My Church, Family, Friends, Sports, Cooking, The Outdoors, just anything fun.
Adam Sandler....I just think he would be cool to hang out with for a day, Steve Carell because he is hilarious, Rachel McAdams because.. well.. you can see why, and Greg Maddux (favorite baseball player)..!
Anything, just whatever catches my ear.
All types, pretty much any and everything with Adam Sandler, Wedding Crashers, 40-year old virgin, Major League, The Elf, Old School, Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump, Just Friends, Van Wilder, Ground Hog Day, Dumb and Dumber, and Remember The Titans to name a few....
Sportscenter, King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond, and The Office.
King James Bible
My Dad... if i can only become half the man he is, i would be more of a man than any man in this world...