reader. i'm in this amazing journey called life, and let me
tell you, nothing shines quite as bright as mines.
make me company in my journey, and i'll make company in yours
i promise, we won't regret a thing we do together.
my book began fifteen years ago, the rest is still unwritten.
i'm completing this tricky puzzle called krystal nicole,
but aren't we all constantly discovering ourselves out?
i appreciate the bird on the tree, the sun in my window
the breeze against my skin, the smile on your face,
the words written in books, the brilliant minds behind them,
the tears in my eyes, the surface under my feet, the passion
behind every action, the feeling behind every line, the trust
you carefully decide to lay upon me and, last but not least,
i appreciate everything and everyone with my all.
i'm forever thankful with God, and i try my best to
be a person worthy of everything He's given me.
change happens, we all surely know, so why so serious?
i'm a dreamer, i'm passion, i'm human, i'm sure and i'm simple.
i really like meeting new people, just to unravel what they are,
to make unbreakable bonds & unforgettable memories.
no, we don't have the slightest idea of what forever means so
don't mouth the words ever."i love you" is a powerful phrase,
don't mess with it and be completely sure when you breathe it.
i don't enjoy disappointments but i easily move on.
i'm slowly learning to wear my heart on my sleeve
and i tend to abuse my freedom of speech.
i'll be your most caring best friend, so let's make a life.Sincerely,