a voice in the wilderness. profile picture

a voice in the wilderness.

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Some of you know my name, some of you don't. Some of you care, some of you don't. Some of you claim you believe, some of you don't. And, more importantly, some of you will believe my words, and some of you wont. But whats really in a name anyway, but rather just an arrangement of letters. I think its rather trivial in the long run because the only name that we should ever acknowledge in all things is Jesus Christ. =)
So, knowing that, there might be no surprises about what comes next in my theology. Some of my most basic Christian principles include, but are not limited to:
-The King James Bible is the Word of God. It is inspired and inerrant in its original autographs. It is a complete and final revelation of God. All other versions are are offshoots and have defiled Gods Word, in my opinion. God only wrote one Bible and He did it right the first time. He knew what He had to say and why He had to say it. We stand on no ground to modify or accept a modification of Gods Word. He wasn't wrong, man was. Simple fact, hands down. - The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. PSALM 12:6
-There is one God and only one God. He is the holy God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the very same God who set Moses and the Israelites free. He is the same God that saved Noah and his family from the universal flood, and He is the same God that sent Jesus to die for our sins, because we can NOT save ourselves. And if you for some reason believe that you can save your own soul from sin and ultimately Hell, that's a neat trick and I'd love to see it sometime. Next.
-He is personal and knowable. He manifests Himself in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Not a conflict or an impossibility. Rather a necessity. Much like H20 can exist in 3 different, yet equal forms, water, ice, and steam, all serving different purposes, while all still maintaining their structural integrity of H20, so can the God of our universe present Himself in 3 ways to us to PROVE His superiority.
-God created the heaven and the earth, and He did it in 6 literal 24-hour days, about 6,000 years ago. Evolution is wrong in every argument, and in no way did we ever evolve from something other than our human, fleshly parents. Evolution is not possible, logical, moral, or accurate, in any sense, and if anyone believes that this is the case, I would suggest that you seriously sit down and reconsider the outcome of such an evolution. War, hate, violence, racism, and communism are all rooted in the idea that God has no place in our life. So ultimately, you the evolutionist, are responsible for all of these things we call bad in this world. Responsible to God on earth and in heaven.
-The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord and make his paths straight. - Mark 1:3

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