My name is Meghan and i grew up in Alabama.I now live in northwest Arkansas with my wonderful husband Matt. We have been married about a year and a half and what an amazing journey it has been. Matt is a youth pastor at the Church of Pinnacle Hills. God has blessed our lives more then we could ever imagine. Right now we are living by this verse as we travel through this life on earth....
"When you pass through the waters
I will be with you
And when you pass through the rivers
they will not sweep you over
When you walk through the fire
you will not be burned
the flames will not set you ablaze
For I am the Lord your God
the holy one of Israel your savior
I give you Egypt for your ransom
cush and Seba in your stead
Since you are precious and honered in my sight"
Isaiah 42:2-3
My Favorite Quote:
"Blessing is bowing down to recieve the expressions of divine favor that in the inner recesses of the human heart and mind make life worth the bother "