"I'll tell you everything that is really nothing, and nothing of what is everything. Do not be fooled by what I am saying. Please listen carefully and try and hear what I'm not saying."You wake up, go to the mirror. You hate what you see. You are in a war you will not win. FAT, UGLY, FAILURE: words that echo in your head. You grab your water and walk out the door. Your stomach growls because you've missed breakfast, *again*. Safe and alone, you pull out your pills and swallow a handful, one by one. More water. void any and all mirrors. Envy those whose bones protrude effortlessly. You feel the stares around you, paranoia: they are obviously talking about you. Constantly moving, you burn more calories you've not consumed. More pills, more water. Avoid meals: hundreds of excuses. Freezing: always so cold. More water, more pills. Now run. Run hard, you can barely breathe. Your legs could collapse underneath you, your chest in agonizing pain. You keep going. Push harder, you cannot quit.Hours later, you finally give in. More water, more pills. Step on the scale and hate what you see. It will never be enough. Undress and glare at your reflection. Searching for bones that are covered, deep below the fat.All alone, late into the night: crunches and calisthenics. You cannot sleep....you exercise before finally crawling into bed, exhausted and in tears. Weeping until you fall asleep, only to wake up soon after, only to begin it all again.You are alone. Your only focus to attain perfection. You've shut your family out. You've pushed your friends away. You are in control and "Ana" is your only friend. "She" is the only one who wants you to win. You've personified a disease, but only "she" understands."Nothing. Nothing is wrong and asking is against the rules.Crying is against the rules, too. You're strong, dont let them break you. They are trying to destroy you."You repeat this cycle every day, consuming more water, more pills. You search for bones and veins. You become manic...and numb.You forgot how to feel. So you take a razor, a knife, anything that will hurt you. You want to bleed, you want to bruise. You force your body to feel.You are all alone now; your friends dont understand you, and you've shut out the ones who've tried to care. You focus on perfection. You just want to be happy, but you are miserable. Depressed."I know whats it like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in, but can't. How you hurt youself on the outside to try and kill the the thing thats on the inside."Each day you wake up, you want to die. You go through the motions each day: water, pills, pain, hurt. Now, you are just waiting. Waiting for the day you wont wake up. It cann't come fast enough."How can you understand me, when I dont understand myself?""If you don't understand my words, you will never understand my silence."You pop pills every day and exercise and never sleep. You are constantly moving and self-hating. You hurt yourself physically because you are numb inside. You only cry on the inside and your self-destrcutive behavior has intensified.You've proven your thesis that no-body-loves-me-everyone-hates-me-guess-ill-just-eat-worms. "See?" You get to say. "I knew you'd give up on me. I knew you'd leave.""I feel sometimes that no one has ever held me down and forced me to cry or made me hug them or got to the inside of me. It's like I say, "oh, im fine" and walk away. Nobody's ever said "no, you're not...."You can get better. Or you can get dead. Or you can deny it all, like you've always done, and continue to kill yourself, slowly, and painfully. Yes, thats what you will do."People want to beleive your okay, so it's easy to pretend your okay.""We turn skeletons into goddess and look to them as if they might teach us how not to need."
Everything to me is hallucinating... Are you hallucinating? The sky is twilling around the night. Ever the sky and night had exist?To my eyes, everything is a candy. So enchanted. So Alluring. But does they or them exists after all?The air that I breathe is bitter. The evergreen trees grows so tall as it could touch the heaven. I utterly believed that the ground when I first time walked upon on, had deepened its pit below my feet.Everything began to blend like it was only mere painting. I shocked myself that I am losing a ordinary sense. Sun seems so luminous than before. Does the sun exists?I even don't know what the Time is. I even don't know what the Life is. I even don't know what the Death is. I even don't know Who Am I. Or What Am I...As I could tell, everything began to shoot right pass me. Like the traffic. To my distraught expression, I was wisping away into...what?Now where am I? Who am I? What am I? How I exists?Although, everything...doesn't exists, after all. Everything that we see was just a brilliant illusion! The powerful illusion from himself, God. But his name really is God? He was just a mere man with immortal eye of Illusions.Hallucinating as we are. Illusions are enchanted. Illusions are alluring. We are the Illusions.
The Lloyd. (Papa) The Pam. (Mama) The Smashley. The Heather. The Gerard. The Mikey. The Ray. The Bob. The Frank. The BoB*.