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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I'm a Idealistic, Poet and Philosopher/Analyser, Alturist and Seer and seeker of Truth. Who also just happens to be, Witty, Charming, intelegent, well read, with a dry sense of humour, spontainious, Individual, imaginative, moody, annoying, caring, loving, as well as being a rather decent cook. I am a totally independent man who is more than capable of looking after him self, in both senses.I used to be a mature student at Marjon's, reading History and Philosophy for a B.A(Hons). Now I have decided that, this is the path, no longer holds my destiny. Which is why, I'm going to concentrate all of my energy into my writing, which is where it does lie. I'm also a father of two, who I love very much even though they drive me mad. Because they are both teenagers at the moment, so you know what I mean.Thankfully they both live with thier mother, who just happens to be one of my best freinds, which is nice. So how would I discribe myself, well thats a difficult one,apart form the above thier are quite a few fascets to my personality. Complex yet simple, simple yet complex,as well as being a Romantic. But I'm no push over, not at six-four anyway. I will fight and die for what I believe in.Allthough I have many years left in this reality, I dont not wish to spend them performing some fruitless task as a wage slave just to pay bills. Material wealth means nothing to me, it is an illusion, of short term happiness. I also love watching live bands, especailly at our local venues. And this weekend its the Punz's Picnic, at the White Rabbit and the Nowhere Inn. "Old Punks Never Die, They Just REBEL, in a Differn't Way"

My Interests

Live Music, Punk, Metal, Goth, Industrial, Classical. F.1 never miss it, Sport (Watching), Art, Books, Travel and being happy as much as possible.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody who has to ability to stimulate me on several levels, Interlectually, emotionally, sexually. Do you think that you are up to the task? Although it may be a rocky and bumpy ride at times, it will bring with it mutual understanding and respect. Which will in its turn bring Harmony and Contentment to us both. And I absoulutlly will never settle for second best or an easy life. That path only leads to contempt and missery, for all concerned.If I have learn't anything in this live it is this, that I along with everybody else deserves true happiness, we just have to be patient and let it come to us, because the more you chase it the further away it becomes.


Iron Maiden, Ac/dc, Black Sabbath, Sex Pistols, Stranglers, Ramstien, Arch Enemy, Within Temptation, Nightwish, Pink Floyd. Plus local bands, Bus Station Loonies, Mad Dog McCrea, Schitztome, and The Jack.


Wuthering Heights (Olivier), Goodbye Mr Chips,(Robert Donat), Great Expectations (John Mills), Jane Eyre (Orson Welles), Godfather Triolgy, Trainspotting, Snatch, Nightmare before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Muppets Tresure Island And old British Black and white films, especialy Eailing Comedys.


Black Adder 2.3.4,Red Dwarf, League of Gentlmen, Ideal, Steptoe and Son, Tony Hancock, Whatever happened two the likly lads, Only Fools and Horses. Anything that makes me laugh. Dispatches, Panorama, Political satire and documentaries.


Philosophy and History books, Dracula, Frankenstein, Terry Pratchet and Maps.
Background provided by Darkspace


Socrates, for being to first and only true philosopher, and therefore not a hypocrite. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – SOCRATES

My Blog

Latest Thoughs (Everyhting is Relative)

Everything is Relative   I am poor yet I have no concept of poverty.   I am educated but to be wise I must know nothing.   The riches I seek are spiritual not material.   I am ...
Posted by Tommy on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 10:45:00 PST

Phil’o’Sophy, The Irish Philospher, Latest Thoughts.

On the one hand, I know all I need to know, On the other hand, I know nothing. On the one hand, I have all I will ever need, On the other hand, I have nothing. On the one hand, I have loved all that I...
Posted by Tommy on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 08:43:00 PST

Living with Mental illness

You eat but there's no taste, all you can taste is your favourite beverage, in my case Tea. I drink Tea and Smoke like it's going to out of fashion in the very near future. (Which strangely enough it ...
Posted by Tommy on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 02:42:00 PST

A Philosophy of Life

Through Knowledge There isUnderstandingThrough Understanding there is AcceptanceThrough Acceptance there isHarmonyCopywright2007 ...
Posted by Tommy on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 08:31:00 PST