Dudez Productions was founded in 1999 by Jodi Pittman and Brett Kelly. Together the duo produced many short films such as CLOWNING AROUND, NIGHT SONGS and the original SPACEMEN, G0-GO GIRLS AND THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS (some of these appear as bonus features on Tempe DVDs directed by Brett Kelly).
Brett Kelly retired the name of Dudez Productions to move on with his own BRETT KELLY ENTERTAINMENT but Jodi Pittman is carrying on with the name with Kelly's blessing and assistance and DUDEZ PRODUCTIONS remains a company that will produce short and feature films in Ottawa, Canada.The first movie produced by the new DUDEZ is the short film DAYCAMP MASSACRE which premiered on the big screen as part of the first KILLER63 FILM FESTIVAL.
Up next for DUDEZ is the feature film DEAD OF WINTER which goes before the cameras this Feb/March!