My Name is Desiree and in 4'11 and haven't had complaints on my heigth yet Im blonde,blue eyed,tan,and I am about to have a wonderful sister-in-law in March..I have my own car and its blue-purple and I love it because its all mine and I don't really share it with anybody..But the guys I would like to meet would have to be outta tha army because I dated one and he was a jack$*$ not to mention he hardly had time for me in his so called busy world...I don't have anything against the army just against him and the way he treated me so to all you grls out there don't get with him he is nothing but a jail cell waiting to happen..huh thanasis papkiriakos???oops I said his name but who cares jack**$es like him deserve everything they get.OH I also play the piano and sing.
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