My name is Mr. Hankey the christmas poo. I eat little babies fer breakfast and drink lotta of liquid. Non alcoholic ofcourse, only beer, wine, wuskey, rum yum yum and so on.
I playe with legos, my guitairs and lots of other stuffs. Did I mentioned yet that I eat little babies? Well I do. A lot of them.
I also play with my chainsaw a lot, I even eat with it. It is multi-usable tool like Swiss army knife.
I have man boobs and 3 nipples(don't ask where the third is...). Well I mostly listen to emo music so I get really even more depressed than I am and go cutt myself. I never killed myself yet, but I sure hope so.
No really, I am cutting myself right now. Yes this moment ! Blood ocean. Ocean of blood. Blood ocean.