Terry Fisk profile picture

Terry Fisk

About Me

June 2009 Doings: Decided to drop the T E initials as there really isn't any danger of being online confused with an ex head of the FBI or a present day ghost hunter [and besides the reverse form "Yrret Ksif" sounds a lot more like my personal mantra] / Reloaded the player with seven favourite instrumentals [last track has two parts "Valentines Day" and "Valentines Night"] / * for more on [the year of] The Long Shot see p534 & p535 "The Secret Language of Birthdays" Goldschneider & Elffers Viking Studio Books 1994:..HOW, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY... Having managed to avoid going public with my music hobby because of the sheer number of people with domestic, social and financial backup "doing music" professionally these days as well as the many with formal theory qualifications and advanced recording equipment involved in the music field, I finally decided to scratch that itch.Whether what follows is of much interest to the general consumer is debatable but it feels good to finally get some stuff out there so... ON DISPLAY are music and lyric ideas that jumped from the casual day dream area of the brain to the long term memory part without warning or apparent justification free of any current means to take beyond demos. It's my particular take on the Unthinkable, the Winds, the Flames, the Rains, the Darkness, the Pressure and the Cold of being Back In Flesh and as I've always loved an atmospheric melody and an emotionally involving arrangement that hooks listener attention it should be "interesting" to read reactions. BECAUSE restarting creative enthusiasm is a slow process it's going to take some time to get my digital recording act together but in the meantime some back catalogue demos are finally up and streaming to give an intro to my style of composition.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/19/2007
Band Website: http://www.mysongcast.com/artist/t_e_fisk
Band Members: Terry Fisk - Keyboards, Structures, Toons, Lyrics, Vocals
Influences:[1] ANSWER / 1954. Fredrick Brown sci fi short short story. All the computers on all the worlds in all the galaxies in all the universes are joined. Question is asked "Is there a God ?"Lightning bolt fuses switch permanently to "ON" as voice in the sky booms "There Is Now! [2] SURFACE TENSION / 1952 James Blish sci fi short story. Microscopic human community living in pool of water for generations is birthed into direct light, heat and air for the first time [3]ETERNITY / Lawrence Johnston 1994 Video Ronin Films Australia. Biography of Arthur Stace a reformed alcoholic who spent over 40 years writing the word "Eternity" on the streets of Sydney in an attempt to gently disrupt the thinking patterns of the workaday world for a few seconds. Powerful soundtrack score ie Symphony No 1 "Da Pacem Domine" by Ross Edwards. "And if it hardly changed this wicked city / God rest his soul / his copperplate was - pretty" - Arthur Stace poem / Douglas Stewart [4] BARAKA / 1992 film A sampler of the planes of Earth from Himalayan Heaven to civilized Hell [5] THE CHANGELING / George C Scott 1980 film - ghost of child drowned by material ambitions of a parent lets its presence be felt [6] THE MIRACLE WORKER / Anne Bancroft 1962 film - deaf, dumb and blind connecting of this to that W.A.T.E.R [7] CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND / Spielberg 1977 film Discovering ones real family group plus fun things to do with mashed potato [8] GROWTH vs GLAMOUR / BATTLEGROUNDS ON THE PATH TO A NEW AGE [speculation] / World War One; 1914 -1945: growth of organisation vs glamour of power / World War Two: 1946 - 1977: growth of idealism vs glamour of consciousness / World War Three: 1978 - 2009: growth of science vs glamour of active intelligence / World War Four: 2010 - 2041: growth of harmony by cooperation vs glamour of harmony through conflict / World War Five 2042 -2073: growth of active intelligence vs glamour of science / World War Six 2074 - 2105: growth of consciousness vs glamour of idealism / World War Seven: 2106 - 2137: growth of power vs glamour of organisation / STATUS: Whistling in the dark / ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Scorpio / HERE FOR: Vanity Press /
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Nostradamus Murphy

The images illustrating the tracks on the MySpace Player and the slide show were taken from the heraldry supplement of a book  "Irish Heraldry, Topography and Modern History" published by Murphy and M...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 07:33:00 GMT

My First Soundings

Received an interesting online commuinication from a music industry bloke recently. He gave me some advice. He said, in his experience "if you have the itch to be a musician, it is not always the path...
Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 07:22:00 GMT

Fisking [a lyric sampler]

INTRODUCTION: Comments [for the cache]FISKING: According to Wikipedia, detailed analysis of 'facts' in a presented argument, according to me, just a selection of favorite lyrics that might get recorde...
Posted by on Sat, 10 May 2008 14:28:00 GMT

My Demo Catalogue

[Overture] J S BACH - THE RUNE CYCLE  [Bach / Track Editing by Fisk] Compilation of  compositions from the Teldec BACH 2000 box set arranged into 11 concept albums [plus a "best of...
Posted by on Sat, 10 May 2008 14:23:00 GMT

My Brittle Careering

Being the first born of an all male family with a good natured ex choir boy Welsh background dad prone to quoting snippets of popular songs in times of domestic crises and a sarcastic piano playing Ir...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 04:41:00 GMT

The Environment of My Product [Part 1]

1: "J S Bach - The Rune Cycle"   At the beginning of an earlier creative cycle I'd made up 12 compilation tapes of favorite JSB recordings, mainly 1950's transcriptions to modern instruments...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 04:35:00 GMT