Exposed to music at an early age both Kaleen and C. J. were driven to find their way into this industry. At age 4 Kaleen used to hear his grandfather's band and would sometimes go on the tours along with them and C. J. has been learning the game since an early age, having won his first talent show at the age of four. Needless to say the music bug bit the both of them and each traveled very different paths to wind up at the same place. Kaleen by way of Virginia and C. J. by way of Mississippi met by chance through a mutual friend and found respect in each others talents and unique approach to music. Because their visions come from two differing perspectives the result that they end with is always a unique blend of soul, struggle, and thoughtfulness and the result is always good. "Making music is not about Making Money, it is about being able to physically manifest whatever it is that is inside you into something that everyone on the outside can see, understand, identify with, and vibe to. Success for us is being recognized for your talent by your peers and that success is realized through collaboration and acknowledgment." We are ready for the world, let us help you take it to the next level.[LOVEMYFLASH]