make major miztakez in your the price...then when all iz said-n-done and youve pulled yourself back up look around you and see thoze that have been there all along through tick-n-thin good tymez and bad...thoze are the people you hold dear for the remainder of your life!theze are cloze youve loved and forever will and every chance you get...tell them you love them for tomorrow iz promized to no one.that said a lil bit about me...1st and mozt importantly i am a dad!i love my lil man!and he comez b4 anyone and also a brother to 3 beautiful a romantic...a flirt...a bad ass...a hot boy...loyal...funny...understanding...goofy...i love women.sorry if you take that the wrong way.i dont mean that in a playerz way.i mean that juzt like it soundz...i love them all.Godz greatezt gift to mankind waz a woman.her curvez and her smile.the scent of her and the softness of her skin.itz the only thing that haz brung all men no matter how mighty and their kneez!thatz why im a flirt.cuz a womanz laugh iz infectious.i ask one thing of all i encounter whether here or elsewhere...respect me and ill do the same!if you have that respect you also have my loyalty!i have love in my life...the love of my whole family!some select few very close friendz...some former lovez that will alwayz call me baby!for now that love iz enough...but if the right woman comez along...whoever she may be i will honor her with the respect she deservez.ive got lotz of special people in my life but therez alwayz room for one more!so now you know!Myspace Layouts
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