I'm Billie. I love old horror movies and old/good music. I try to learn at least one new thing a day. I love reading and baking. I usually don't have time for much, as I'm only happy when I have a full plate. I love 1950s and 1940s culture. You want to know more, Add me on Livejournal
I ♥ when people make me things!
These were made by my favorite zombie ever, Karl! Thank you♥
I ♥ my P-Lay!
Made by Derek. Thank you ♥
MAde by -=StayGold=-...I CHECK OUT THESE SITES::
Jaquelyn, She makes the BEST bags and hair clips for psycho gals. She's the biggest sweetheart, and one of my favorite people. Go check out her site.
King Cat, Hollywood
Join The Rebellion At www.KingCatUSA.com Original Shirts and accessories for rockabillyguys and gals. Check em out!
Kustom Fit clothes by Deb. I love the clothes she makes, they fit like a glove (no joke).
Shelley makes the cutest skirts EVER. Check em out, you'll love em!
diy clothing, purses & accessoriesBefore you ask me where I go..ught something, please check out the above sites. A lot of my stuff is DIY, and made by independent companies. They're all amazing people, so check them out and show em some support, will ya!
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