Here to witness the revolution of the ages. To walk the world manifesting the compassionate visions in my heart. To heal myself in order to heal the suffering of others.
Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. Amma, Terrance McKenna, Noam Chomsky, Jimmy Hendrix, Buddha, Jesus, Carl Jung, Thomas Jefferson, George Orwell, Henry David Thoreau and my grand parents.
One day many years ago I realized something very important. During a sitting meditation I was able to slow my thoughts and follow each thought to its root origin. It was this day that I began to recognize that many of my ideas and values had not originated from me. As I continued to follow each thought to its root I was began to discover that many of the ideas which I used to conduct my life had been placed in my mind by mass media and cultural propaganda. Peeling back the layers I discovered that the ideas I owned had actually been designed in board rooms or advertisement agencies with the intention of manipulating me and my buying habits. From that moment on I have ceased to watch television and on occasion do so with a very careful and mindful eye.
Television is the ultimate tool of social control and has cast a powerful spell upon the consciousness of the people. The images we see on television dictate and create our culture and reality. It permeates every level of our society affecting what we eat, what we feel, how we vote, how we look and even how we reproduce. The force of mass media is very powerful and it is not benevolent. It is the mouthpiece of the corporations and propaganda machine for the government. It is designed to take as much from you while giving as little possible back in return. They want our children for their wars, they want our money to power their corporations, they want our lives for their labor and they will do everything they can to control your life and your mind.
As a free entity living on planet earth I vow to break the ancient psychic bonds that have imprisoned my people since the ages of kings. Freedom is ours if we choose it. The first step is unplugging the lie box.
See people I would like to meet.