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NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site)

unofficial official site of freedom office open 7am to 7pm at (440) 548-2716

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Sat. Feb 10th Practice called for this Sat. Feb 3rd! Broomball! With the new freeezing temps here in Ohio, we might just get to have our Broomball/Winter get-together! As always, this is a free gathering. Dont ferget yer broooms!
April 20-22 Earlybird Gathering A nice rockin show to break the cabin fever. Friday night with The Zen Tricksters! And The Fareed Haque Group, Groove Prophets Saturday night with One Under! Moser Woods The Chicago Afrobeat Project Much more to come!
May 4-6 BlossomBlast/SpringHookah 2 spring nights with Ekoostik Hookah Special guests The Boogie Hustlers, BOOMBOX The Chef Dave Band, The Sim Redmond Band Sultans Of Bing,The Burning River Band SeepeopleS, Willy Mac Music Much to come!
June 8-10 BRB Family Jam 2 nights with hosts Burning River Band Special guests include The Recipe, Hookah players- Dave Katz & Katz N Jammers, John Mullins and Eric Lanese's Screaming Peach! Also Greenlieif, Rachel Roberts Secret Stash, John Welton, Carabou Foot, JP & The Chatfield Boys More TBA!
June 15-17 Pink Floyd Celebration & Get The Led Out Weekend! 2 more power-packed nights with Wish You Were Here & Kashmir!
July 4-8 Gratefulfest #8 4 more unforgettable 4th Of July nights with Dark Star Orchestra & Friends Very special guests to be announced soon. LOOK OUT, MAN!
July 27-29 SummerEkoostikWeekend #11 You know...
August Midwest Reggae Fest Packy Malley's historic reggae festival! Thirsty for a classic, reggae event? Us too! Look no further! Packy&NLQP are proud to bring you Steel Pulse! Also I-TaL Of course Quarry faves Carlos Jones & The P.L.U.S. Band Many more bands and details coming soon. An efty elpin of good tings to come on dis one! Yeeaaah mon!
October 26-28 Gory At The Quarry #11 BOO! you know whats comin. 2 nights of Hookah & Halloween!
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Abandoned by the company, the Quarry was then visited and inhabited by the locals, free-loving hippies and bikers too, who came with their painted buses, pan-heads, free spirits, and hopes to settle down for some time. Unfortunately, like most free-loving hippies, they were in for a rude awakening. When they thought they had created the perfect paradise, officials caught wind of too much fun going on, gates were put up, and the Quarry was closed. Eventually, in 1972, the land and the Quarry were purchased by a young man who established the foundation of the campground we see today. Through the years, scuba diving, camping, and swimming thrived. The 70's and 80's were wonderful. The memories are too many. Filled with the greatest people I could ever hope meet. The laughter and good times seemed to flow endlessly... The 90's brought a stir of events due to poor management and ownership changed hands twice before 1995. At that time, a past employee(me), lifeguard here since 84 and manager was given the opportunity to improve the park. It was my dream to keep this place alive and well, expand on ideas and make renovations, such as providing more children's activities and better facilities without altering the natural beauty or spirit of the park. We now incorporate a wonderful staff that we consider to be our park family, running the park with much love and appreciation for what it gives to us and the many who come here. We have a ways to go before Im satisfied and money is tight but year after year we continue to improve.
Today you can still feel the energy that has been captured by the Ledges over hundreds of years. It is still a meeting place, and it was once told to me that "People weave their individuality through the park, creating a beautiful tapestry of diversity, bound together with a common love.
Music, being such a big part of our lives, with musicians and artists frequenting the park, often, we felt it only necessary to give them an opportunity to perform their craft. Once a month, musical productions combined with an array of art, craft, vending, and foods provide campers varied assortments of festivities.The energy and harmony, along with the natural beauty of our park today, can perhaps be summed up with part of a poem, gifted to us by one of our happy performers. He writes : :Nelson Part II : 9/21/98Lightning rod I've touched again to light the fires of Nelson.Charged and soaring, blend the tones; caverns echo earthly moans.Bonded with the Earth and sky; children blessed with Love-derived,Smiles that shine with every hour, as witnesses to Nelson's power.Halloween we leave the scene, as once again the summer flees.The frost will settle on it all, and blanket it with leaves of fall.As choice as any summer scene, the Ledges sport a winter dream.To those who come and dance and sing,to celebrate the eve of spring.
RULES SIMPLE *We are easy going folks! Our rules are simple requests, but the regulations we enforce were formed from years of experience, and are crucial to maintaining the environment we need to get by. We ask for your help and understanding. Our goal is to make this park a safer and better place for all those of all ages who truly love the times spent here. Please be respectful and kind to everyone and everything in our park. Please view the whole list below. ThanksWE ARE SORRY TO ANNOUNCE THAT DOGS AND PETS HAVE BECOME TOO BIG A RISK AND PROBLEM AND ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED IN THE PARK. There are many cheap but good kennels in the area. We will post them soon. Or just have a friend or your Mom watch em!IMPORTANT NEWS- Do to many problems, we are now having to put a 18 and over age limit on camping(unless with family or guardian). This will not include day swimming. Groups,schools,scouts or individuals who are under 18 may request special permission if they are responsible and reasons are valid.(or come with a responsible family member). THESE ARE THE IMPORTANT RULES 1. NO swimming when guard is not on duty. Swim hours are 10am to 7pm. Anyone caught in the water at night WILL BE IMMEDIATELY EXPELLED. No fishing in the swimming quarry. (STATE LAW)(We have 2 fishing lakes) 2. NO GLASS CONTAINERS ANYWHERE. PLEASE BRING CANS. ANY GLASS BOTTLES IN THE PARK WILL BE CONFISCATED. No containers of any kind on the lake. 3. SPEED LIMIT 5 mph OR WALK. Driving is restricted to entering or leaving the park.--- NO CRUISING!! 4. NO firearms or fireworks allowed in the park. 5. NO ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES PERMITTED IN THE PARK! 6. NO ONE UNDER 21 PERMITTED TO CONSUME ALCOHOL IN THIS PARK and excessive use of alcoholic beverages will not be tolerated. 7. No dogs or pets. 8. NO AXES OR SAWS PERMITTED! 9. No cutting or damaging of live trees. ($150.00 fine) 10. Anyone damaging or injuring any wildlife or animals in the park will be expelled from the park and face prosecution. Please be kind. 11. Please be aware of your noise level. Some sites are close to each other. Not everyone enjoys the same music. 12. Music is to be turned down to a moderate level by 11:00 PM 13. NO more then 3 tents to a site/Tents must be at least 5 ft apart from each.10 ft from fire pit. (state laws) 14. Adults are responsible for the actions of their children. Do not let your child wander around the park alone. 15. Beach and playground are the children's areas: no alcohol, profanity, thongs, or .cigarette butts. 16. Careless or bothersome conduct will not be tolerated!Anyone in violation of these rules will be asked to leave the park without a refund. If you feel you cannot abide by the rules of the park, dont come.Any violation of these rules could immediately be cause for ejection from the park.If there is any problem please alert one of our staff immediately. Or come to the front gate.IT IS OUR AIM TO MAKE YOUR STAY AT THE PARK AN ENJOYABLE ONE FOR EVERYONE, THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP..
Although a small park, Nelson-Kennedy Ledges provides a thrilling experience to visitors with its rugged cliffs and diverse plant life typical of a more northern climate.A day-use park, Nelson-Kennedy Ledges is popular for picnicking and hiking.Trails Hikers will enjoy the several trails that wander through the Nelson Ledges to formations like Devil's Icebox, Indian Pass and Old Maid's Kitchen. All visitors are urged to exercise caution while hiking and are advised to restrict their travel to established trails only. Park rules prohibit off-trail hiking and beverage containers on hiking trails.PicnickingThe park provides excellent sites for picnics. Tables and grills are provided.Nature of the Area The spectacular rock formations at Nelson-Kennedy Ledges have become trademarks of the park. These rock formations are among the few outcrops in northern Ohio still exposed to view. Most of the outcrops elsewhere have been covered with soil and rock left by receding glaciers.The remarkable sandstone cliff formations resulted from the forces of erosion--wind, water freezing and thawing--that wore away at the softer rock layers. As these soft layers eroded, large blocks of rock called slump blocks fell away leaving more resistant layers to form ledges above.The jumbled rocks and shaded rock faces are home to a wide variety of wildflowers, trees and ferns. The spring wildflower show includes spring beauties, hepatica and trillium and features the rare red trillium, which grows in great numbers along the ledges.The beech-maple forest harbors a few tree species that are more common in cooler climates: yellow birch, Canadian hemlock and Canada yew are common here. Some of these trees cling to the rock faces, their roots pushing into every available crevice. In the shelter of the roots and shaded by the leafy canopy above, ferns such as the Christmas and maidenhair fern grow in abundance. Others such as the marginal shield fern, grape fern, wood fern and common polypody are more unusual for this part of the state.The leafy canopy is home to a variety of songbirds, while small mammals such as skunk, raccoon and fox squirrels inhabit other areas of the park.
History of the Area This area was of vital importance to the Indian tribes. The Delaware, Shawnee, Miami, Seneca, Mohawk, and Cajuga tribes were among those said to have lived at Nelson Ledges.The park lies near one of the highest points of the state and is close to the watershed divide between the Ohio River and Lake Erie. Several major foot trails and canoe routes passed through this vicinity. This area became an important trade center for both pioneers and Indians.The area developed into an important agricultural and dairy center. Cheesemaking was prominent and began nearly as soon as the first settlers arrived. By 1834, northeast Ohio cheese controlled the southern markets. Eventually, canal and rail transportation increased the area's importance.The town of Hiram, west of the park, is home to Hiram College where James A. Garfield, 20th President of the United States, was educated. At the age of 26, he was chosen president of the college. The college was opened in 1851 as the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute, received its charter in 1867, and was rebuilt and enlarged in 1886.The Nelson-Kennedy region has always been a popular vacation spot and eventually came under state protection. In 1940, the state purchased land at Nelson Ledges, and in 1948, it bought 101 acres of the area known as Kennedy Ledges. The state of Ohio created Nelson-Kennedy Ledges State Park in 1949 to preserve the area for future generations of Ohioans to enjoy.Area Attractions Many of northern Ohio's finest tourist sites are within a short drive of Nelson-Kennedy Ledges State Park. Those who wish to complement their visit to Nelson-Kennedy with a camping adventure will want to stay at nearby Punderson State Park. A full-facility campground is available. Punderson also boasts its Manor House and family cabins for a more luxurious overnight stay. Reservations for cabins or lodge rooms can be made by calling 1-800-282-7275 (AT-A-PARK).Tinker's Creek State Nature Preserve is located adjacent to Tinker's Creek State Park and features extensive marshes. A 1.5-mile trail, known as Seven Ponds Trail, features a boardwalk through the wetlands. An observation deck has been constructed to allow visitors excellent views of waterfowl. The preserve is open during daylight hours and is accessible only on foot. Parking is available on Old Mill Road in Aurora.West Branch State Park, located east of Ravenna, offers opportunities for camping, fishing, swimming, hunting and boating.Other Portage and Geauga county attractions beckon the visitor to enjoy the charming rural atmosphere of Ohio's Western Reserve region. Century Village in Burton is a living history museum that recreates the lifestyle of the 18th century northern Ohio. Many of the towns and villages in this area are noted for antique shops and for the many fine festivals they sponsor each year.Six Flags Worlds of Adventure, located in Aurora, offers a thrill park, water park, and sea life park, all in one location. More information about these and other nearby tourist attractions is available by calling the Ohio Division of Travel and Tourism at 1-800-BUCKEYE.
Maple Syrup Festival, Hueston Woods (SW)—Mar. 3-4 & 10-11 at the main beach parking area. Explore the process of maple sugaring from the methods used by Indians to the modern methods used today. A pancake breakfast is offered from 7 AM-1 PM for a small fee. Tour the sugar bush from noon - 4 PM. (513) 523-6347.
31st Annual Maple Syrup Festival, Malabar Farm (NE)—Mar. 3-4 & 10-11, noon-4 PM. Take a horse-drawn wagon ride and see demonstrations of sugar making through history and pioneer life. Also enjoy live music and food. Maple syrup, fudge and maple products will be for sale. (419) 892-2784.
Maple Sugaring in the Hills, Hocking Hills (SE)—Mar. 10-11, noon-4 PM at the naturalist cabin behind the Old Man’s Cave visitor center. Discover the many methods used to make this tasty treat from local maple sap. Free samples are available. A pancake breakfast is offered at the dining lodge for a fee. (740) 385-6841.
Bluebird Nesting Box Workshop, Malabar Farm (NE)—Mar. 17, 10 AM- noon. Learn how to attract bluebirds to your area and construct a nesting box to take home. Pre-registration and a $15 fee are required. (419) 892-2784.
Star Party, Malabar Farm (NE)—Mar. 17, Dusk-11 PM. Join the Astronomy for Youth club for our monthly star parties for those interested in astronomy. The star party is designed for anyone interested in star and plant observations. Telescopes and star guides will be available or you can bring your own. (419) 892-2784.
Maple Syrup Festival, Indian Lake (C) –Mar. 17-18. Tour the sugar bush and sugar shack, then enjoy hayrides and a pancake & syrup breakfast for a fee. (937) 843-2717.
“Just For Kids” Fishing Day, Stonelick (SW)—Mar. 24, 11 AM-3 PM. Meet at the park office to register. Youngsters are invited to try for newly-stocked trout in Stonelick Lake. Hot dogs and drinks are provided, along with transportation to the fishing area. (513) 625-7544.
Bat Roosting Box Workshop, Malabar Farm (NE)—Mar. 24, 10 AM-Noon. Learn about Ohio’s bat population and how to attract and protect this flying mammal in your area. Participants will construct a bat roosting box of their own. Pre-registration and a $15 fee is required. (419) 892-2784.
Bird Watching, Sycamore (SW)—Mar. 25, 4 PM. Meet at the Overlook Picnic Area for a birding extravaganza. (513) 523-6347.

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Scuba diving at the park is regarded as one of the finest freshwater spots in the Tri-State area. Even a mask and snorkle can provide hours of fun and education. Visibility, on a clear day, can sometimes reach 15 ft. or more, and there are many easy entry points. The average water depth is 30 ft., with many shelves, rock formations, large fresh water fish and plant life. There are also a couple of bottom trenches that run 60-70ft. deep or more. The largest of which we call "The Abyss". On the bottom, if chasing giant bass, blue-gill, crappie and catfish sounds like fun, one may experience a wide variety of wildlife. On a lucky day you may get to see the very rare and delicate fresh-water jelly fish. One gentleman tells the story of having his mask knocked off by a 5 ft. catfish. I myself have seen them close to 4 ft long but they are not aggressive. Local scuba schools have set up training courses and have an assortment of bottom sites, including a sunken cabin cruiser. We pride ourselves on our clean spring-fed water. It is officially tested twice each season, and is rated one of the lowest bodies of water in Ohio as far as contaminants. We rarely need treat the water(and NO copper sulfates) so you can see a wide range of plant-life, filled with varieties of turtles, small fish and other surprises. Many quality, self-insured dive schools are regular to the quarry, and events are sometimes scheduled, such as: A Halloween Dive, Treasure Dives and Scavenger Hunts. Law enforcement and Fire & Rescue dive teams from the Tri-State area also do their training and practices here.

Please inquire about schools in your immediate area. We will post our contacts as they come in this season.

Cleveland area: Buckeye Diving School (440) 439-3677

Aqua Amigos Scuba Club Robert D. Kelly(216) 481-022

Akron area: D & M Sport Diving Inc. (330) 784-1414

Warren/Youngstown Niles, Oh. Treasure Cove Scuba 330-544-6230

Conneut, Ohio Ted's Scuba - Specializing in handicapped scuba Handicap Scuba Association, YMCA - CMAS Ted Quirke (216) 224-1112

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JUGGALOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS The Gathering of the Juggalos (also known simply as The Gathering or GOTJ) is an annual event for the Juggalo Family put on by Psychopathic Records; the first was staged in 2000. It is regarded highly by Juggalos, and is considered by the Juggalos to be a family reunion of sorts. The event spans several days, and includes concerts, wrestling, games, contests, autograph sessions, and seminars with artists.At the 2002 Gathering Bubba Sparxxx received the first ever "Bubba Sparxxx Award", obviously named after him. Unofficially, the "award" is given to the artist who leaves the main stage before his performance is over. Artists have been known to leave because of heavy booing, too much trash being thrown, or out of anger towards the fan base. Every year it is common to hear juggalos' input on who will receive the "award" that year. Since the 2002 Gathering other notable artists such as Bushwick Bill, Kurupt, and Too $hort have received the "award".Earlier Gatherings were plagued with problems such as fires and unruly behavior that prompted the intervention of police and firefighters. After 2002, the Gathering became an outdoor event, and was held at Nelson Ledges Quarry Park for a number of years.According to the Quarry Park's owner, Evan Kelley, the grounds will no longer host this event after the 2005 Gathering. Kelly has said: "Psychopathic Records broke some of the rules set down for the 2005 event, including blasting music all night long", and: "Drugs, alcohol, nudity, profanity and trash also became serious problems." [3]The seventh annual Gathering of the Juggalos was set to take place at The Lotus Fields on July 13–July 16, 2006 in Brooklyn, Michigan (West of Detroit, Michigan). The board of Woodstock Township, Michigan, in control of necessary outdoor concert zoning permits denied permits at a meeting on April 11, 2006. The C3 zoning permit wording was loose, and could be interpreted such that additional outdoor concert permits were not necessary, but the board decided to read it by the letter. Psychopathic Records was told that if they represented country artists they would be allowed to hold the event.[citation needed] Psychopathic Records took legal advice concerning this, while booking another location.On April 18, 2006, Psychopathic Records announced that a Gathering would go ahead, the new location being dubbed The New Lotus Fields — in Pataskala, Ohio (East of Columbus) at Frontier Ranch. It took place over the same dates that were planned for the Brooklyn event.* 2000: Expo Center, Novi, Michigan * 2001: Seagate Center, Toledo, Ohio * 2002: Civic Center, Peoria, Illinois * 2003: Nelson Ledges Quarry Park (The Crystal Forest), Garrettsville, Ohio * 2004: Nelson Ledges Quarry Park, Garrettsville, Ohio * 2005: Nelson Ledges Quarry Park, Garrettsville, Ohio * 2006: Frontier Ranch (The Lotus Fields), Pataskala, Ohio


The campground is 250 acres of forest, meadow, rock formation, and water. There are two fishing lakes, besides the swimming quarry. The fishing lakes are home to large bass, catfish, crappie and blue gill. You may also find many waterfowl and smaller animals like turtles, frogs, nonpoisonous snakes, and other small fresh water life. The Quarry is spring-fed, clear, clean and warms up by mid May. The forests consist of a variety of trees, wildflowers, mushrooms and an assortment of plantlife. Many small, to large mammals.. Squirrels, opossums, raccoons, wild turkeys, pheasants, woodpeckers and song birds, along with the elusive loon and so much more,consider the park their home. The individual campsites cater to one's personal preference for site location. Whether it's on the ledge by the water, or deep in the quiet woods. You may camp near the social activity, or settle in one of the quiet, isolated areas.We pride ourselves on being a primitive campground to avoid the trailer park look of our competitors. Campers and winnebago's are more than welcome to visit, but long stays are not encouraged, and there is limited electric and no water hook up. Week and weekend tent camping, along with regular daytime swimming admission, make up the majority of our business. Weekend and holiday camping tends to be more busy , but lucky enough to get the chance, weekday camping can sometimes allow you the entire park to yourself.
Facilities include:Picnic areas picnic tables charcoal grills
A new large playground area
Our stage doubles as a pavilion for all occasions Five privy style rest rooms (4 handicapped accessible) A full basketball court with adjustable hoops for kids 250 acres for hiking, biking, exploring and nature Volleyball court Beach And so much more. The Quarry has a large and natural beach area with a shallow, roped in shelf for the children's swimming area. The rest of the quarry is up to 30 ft. deep in most places.We employ Red Cross certified lifeguards, and have multiple guards on duty daily. The water is open from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily. Because the water is spring fed, and if scuba diving is your fancy, check our scuba page. Water clarity and visibility are excellent. Even for the average swimmer, a mask and snorkel can provide hours of fresh water exploration. And dont forget the fishing lakes! (see Casey below)
Hiking gives campers an opportunity to utilize the many paths and trails throughout the park, and one cannot visit our park without stopping next door, at the Nelson-Kennedy Ledges State Park, to explore their caves, caverns, and rock formations... Not to mention Irene's old fashioned arcade.
RATES RATES RATES RATES RATES RATES RATES Our park is open year round. Day admission runs from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Adults 15 over are $5.00 on weekdays and on weekends. Children 15 and under are $3.00.Always free to the non-ambulatory, blind, deaf or persons with disabilities.Camping Rates:Individual camping fee includes the day of arrival, that evening, and the following day until 7:00 p.m. Adults are $10.00 per person--kids 15 & under w/parent are half price. Special family rates on weekdays and for large groups.



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nelson kennedy state park march calender

Maple Syrup Festival, Hueston Woods (SW)Mar. 3-4 & 10-11 at the main beach parking area. Explore the process of maple sugaring from the methods used by Indians to the modern methods used today. A...
Posted by NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site) on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 11:07:00 PST

calender as of now

*IMPORTANT* Once a show is posted- Click on underlined festival titles for details & links pages. Once there click pictures and logos for links to bands. Please view this entire page f...
Posted by NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site) on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 11:29:00 PST


OUR PINK FLOYD CELEBRATION AND "GET THE LED OUT" WEEKEND! 2 more nights with!!! Re-creating the PinkFloyd experience. Lights, lasers and the m...
Posted by NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site) on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 09:20:00 PST

nelson kennedy state park march event list

Maple Syrup Festival, Hueston Woods (SW)Mar. 3-4 & 10-11 at the main beach parking area. Explore the process of maple sugaring from the methods used by Indians to the modern methods used today. A...
Posted by NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site) on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 02:00:00 PST

nelson kennedy state park feb event list

27th Annual Buckeye Trail Winter Hike, Findley (NE)Feb. 3, 10 AM. Experience the beauty of winter on this 5-k or 10-k hike through mature woodlands along scenic trails, then warm up with bean soup an...
Posted by NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site) on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 01:58:00 PST


WINTER, DONT SLOW US DOWN! TIME FOR BROOMBALL! Broomball is a game anyone can play. Its on ice, in boots and thick winter clothes. You play like hockey but with a volliball and a broom. It...
Posted by NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site) on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 09:51:00 PST

a story i found about someones trip to the ledges

Our trip to Nelson Ledges Kristel and Rob are in Las Vegas, so we have the grandkids for a couple days. Tuesday Barb took Aaron for an appointment, and I took Rachael to Nels...
Posted by NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site) on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 08:14:00 PST


April 20th-23rd The Earlybird Gathering! Nelson Ledges is proud to present- Friday night! Friends & favorites for years. Incredible players, one of a ki...
Posted by NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site) on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:21:00 PST


                                  * NELSON LEDGES *                   ...
Posted by NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site) on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:41:00 PST


come out and party with us
Posted by NELSON LEDGES (unofficial official info site) on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 04:02:00 PST