Joe Sal profile picture

Joe Sal

I'm gonna be a DAD!!!!

About Me

Well, I am on fire for Jesus, trying to follow Him with all I am. I am madly in love with my wife Amanda Jeanne - we were married June 20th, 2006 (20-06-2006)! I am the Evening Service Worship Leader at the Buckley AFB Chapel, where I am assisted by my lovely Bride. I play guitar, bass and drums, sing.

I was born and raised in Bristol, Connecticut, an awesome town, with awesome people. I graduated from Bristol Central in 2000, and hope to see all those people someday, just to see what everyone is doing. Through the military I have lived in South Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Florida and now here in Colorado.I was saved by Jesus in my home town (Bristol, CT), and I owe Him my life, and I give all I am to Him every day!.

I am currently in the process of becoming a licensed minister through the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA), and feel God calling me to become a Worship Pastor.I am currently attending Colorado Christian University studying towards a B.S in Theology. I am also attending US Air Force ROTC through Colorado University-Boulder.I am living every day and enjoying all God has to offer!

Love the sights I have seen in my travels.


We shall see...

I love life, God has Blessed me

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

My Interests

Studying the Bible, studying Theology, reading, writing, singing, playing my guitars, writng music, worshipping the Lord, serving God and being with my wife.

I'd like to meet:

President George Bush.
Get your own countdown at


Christian Alternative Rock... Switchfoot, Pillar, Project86, PAX 217, Jonah33, Day Of Fire, DC Talk, Tait, Chris Tomlin, Charlie Hall, David Crowder*Band, Starfield, and many more...


Any kind works for me.


Law&Order:SVU, JAG, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate:SG-1, Stargate:Atlantis, The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Drew Carey Show, Who's Line is it Anyways?, many more...


Bible. and any books by Michael Chrichton.


Jesus Christ!

My Blog

A New Day Begins

A new day, what does it hold and why?Priorities change. Once the borders and lines that separated the priorities were skewed and blurred beyond recognition. How did this happen? It could have been whe...
Posted by Joe Sal on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 02:08:00 PST


Well, it feels like the night took forever to pass by.  I know I slept, but very little and in spurts.  About 10 minutes until I leave to head to the hospital and see my wife and hopefully n...
Posted by Joe Sal on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 04:43:00 PST

My Wife

It's late, and I find it hard to sleep without my beautiful bride next to me this evening.  The surgery went well today, a little longer than expected due to a few things that they had to do they...
Posted by Joe Sal on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:06:00 PST

President's Day

    So, welcome to the great holiday of President's Day.  No parades, no cool cartoon specials, but a lot of car deals...  go figure.     So yeah, another weeke...
Posted by Joe Sal on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 09:42:00 PST

family update

So, yeah, it's been awhile my friends! Sorry for the delayed posting, we have had quite the stress the past few weeks and month.First off, my grandfather in Connecticut is slowly dying. He does know t...
Posted by Joe Sal on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 09:39:00 PST

New family member!

So, we really wanted a black lab, but no luck, the owner of the house we are renting said "No way!"  So, were told we could get a medium size dog.  SO we did.We got a Shiba Inu, a cute lil' ...
Posted by Joe Sal on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 12:42:00 PST

Turkey Fryer + 17lb Turkey + 2 people = YAY!

So, I just had to tell you all (whoever "all" of you might actually be) that deep-frying a turkey is just the best dang thing since, well, okay... sliced bread! I mean sliced bread is awesome, but com...
Posted by Joe Sal on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 11:15:00 PST


Hey, this is Joe here. A bunch of assignments due by Midnight tonight... Not fun. Rule #1= don't slack again! Rule #2= never take 8week condensed courses online... EVER! We just got back from leading ...
Posted by Joe Sal on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 06:04:00 PST

Something new

Thought we would try something a little bit different than MySpace, Created a "Blogger" page, so here is the link if interested in checking it out!  It is at BolgSpot.Joseph & Amanda's Blog P...
Posted by Joe Sal on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:51:00 PST


Hey all,  so I finally loaded MSN Messanger / Yahoo! Messanger and AIM back on my computer...  heres my info:MSN  -  [email protected]  -  psalm27kjv@yah...
Posted by Joe Sal on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 06:54:00 PST