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About Me

Plain and simple. I'm a Yankee. I think clam chowder and parker house rolls pretty much rock. I grew up in the Adirondack mountains on Lake George (yes, I live WAY up there). Below is a photo of what it looks like... now you can see why I miss it!
So what else about me? Hmmm... well, if I was asked what I'd do if I won a million dollars... I'd spend a couple weeks backpacking through Europe or wandering through Thailand... sleep on the beach of an uninhabited island off the coast of Venezuela... Tango in an Asian night club and stay up all night at a coffee shop chatting with the locals in Eastern Europe. Well, just for a start. I'm more of an off-the-beaten path kind of gal...
The most important part of my life. I'm a single mom of three really great kids and I have a whole boatload of friends scattered around the world whom I love totally and completely (but they pay well)... Right now... I'm just trying to figure out how to keep all of them happy and still carry out my plan to rule the world while simultaneously starring in the Tuesday night made-for-TV movie of my life...

My Interests

I love undiscovered artists and music, museums, coffee houses, sitting around with friends drinking good German beer while one of them plays guitar, vibrant people who make me laugh, punk music (okay, okay... 80s pop-punk like the Dead Milkmen), scary movies (because I'm a wimp and I enjoy scaring myself silly), photography and tall, pasty white guys (don't ask me... I have no clue!).
But there is a ton more... only because I never want to miss out on trying something at least one time. My main interests.. wakeboarding, sailing, waterskiing (see the trend), skydiving, hiking... but since I can't do most of that here in Korea... I'm currently learning to fly a plane and shortly I'm going to give paragliding a try. I do aspire to fly helicopters one day (Okay, I crave it!)...
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I'd like to meet:

A million different people in a million different places as I travel the world...
I'm not looking for love on myspace... especially if you jump out of helicopters, fly helicopters, work on helicopters or once watched a tv show about helicopters on the discovery channel (and you... you who once stood next to a kiddie helicopter ride once... you're included too!)... Umm... okay... unless you are that one guy...
The person who gets my quiz 100% correct...

Leave me a comment...


Just about everything except ghetto rap and 80s bands like Air Supply... anything to do with big hair scares me... I'm a superstar in the shower singing the Beatles but I stay away from karaoke. LOL I listened to punk and alternative before it was cool or mainstream... and the Dead makes me smile when I'm down... I love to dance so anything I can dance to is good.
Then, of course, my girls and I can shake our groove things to some disco when we want to giggle...


My favorite movie is without a doubt... Beyond Borders... minus the adultery and gun trafficking... its totally how I would want to live my life... hmm... that doesn't sound too good... lol

Band of Brothers, Saints and Soldiers, A Very Long Engagement, Amelie (yeah, I've got a thing for foreign films), Old Fred and Carey movies... and a million others as my huge DVD collection attests to. I'm also addicted to zombie movies... but I have a serious irrational fear of the living dead. Like one day... I'll be Yesenia of the Dead (as in Shaun of the dead) but I'll be really, really bad at it... the fate of human kind in my hands... not good.


I'm hopelessly addicted to LOST.


I'm incredibly proud of all the men and women I serve with regardless of service. So many have given up so much more than the average citizen can understand.
And last but not least, the people in the slide show below because they love me unconditionally...

My Blog

Which Classic Movie Star am I?

..> ..> Which classic movie star are you? Grace Kelly You are Gorgeous your face was literally carved by angels! no wonder you are so photogenic! ..>..>...
Posted by Yesenia on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 09:13:00 PST

Bad hair day...

So if anyone knows me... you know my new puppy Co-Co aka The Cocinator 2000 aka Little Lover is my newest baby... I've really never been a pet person... I mean I like dogs but I've never been fan...
Posted by Yesenia on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 09:53:00 PST

Which piece of Tiffany's jewelry am I?

Well, I couldn't resist since Tiffany's is every girl's dream. One day I'll find the boy of my dreams that will spend his money on something in a little blue box... LOL Yeah, I'll keep dreaming... ...
Posted by Yesenia on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 05:03:00 PST

Rachel and Hannah - Christmas 2006

Two of my elves... ...
Posted by Yesenia on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 01:56:00 PST

The Chinook

Its simple. Helicopters rock! You should be jealous! LOL Get Your Own! | View Slideshow...
Posted by Yesenia on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 04:18:00 PST

That's the Kidizzle in the Hidizzle...

So I'm always posting this blah, blah, blah crap about how people suck and life is tough. Best advice "It ain't no board game, honey"... I think given by some trashy blonde in a rundown bar... but hey...
Posted by Yesenia on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 09:10:00 PST

Defending Korea...

For those of you that don't know... the 38th parallel is the line that separates North and South Korea... If you travel to the DMZ... you can visit Panmunjom and see the soldiers... As you can see we ...
Posted by Yesenia on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 01:54:00 PST

Why I'm so cool and you love me so much....

1. There is no one else to laugh at... with.. I mean.. with! 2. How many other half-hispanic people do you know that don't speak Spanish, eat Mexican or understand why I'm supposed to be calling every...
Posted by Yesenia on Tue, 04 Oct 2005 08:29:00 PST