AL-E profile picture


Don't worry about the people from your past. There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.

About Me

This is the story of a girl... I love God with all of my heart and I desire to serve him with all that I have within me forever and ever, I have a wonderful boyfriend named Chris whom I adore, I love hanging out with friends, singing in the shower, singing while I'm hopping, skipping or jumping...pretty much singing whenever and wherever; playing guitar and piano, dancing, and acting. Music is my life and I wouldn't change that for the world. My dream is to move to New York City. I love the fast life of the city and I find the whole atmosphere to be so enchanting. I want to go into music ministry and do foreign mission work as well. I also love performing and hope to let that carry on into adulthood. I am going to Beauty School right now to get my Cosmetology license to have a career to fall back on and to get me through college. Yea. That's about it for me.IM me at... uum not so much Ali Carter --
A person who falls into an outhouse and dies
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
You Are An ENFP
The Inspirer
You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!
You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. What's Your Personality Type?I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

tons of questions that show your in depth side!
whats your name?: Alicia
what do people call you?: Ali
where you named after anything?: Uuum...When my mom was pregnant with me, my dad was working in aspestos removal and, at one of the houses, he saw the name "Alicia" on a pillow and liked it.
if you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be?: Adam
do people spell/say your name wrong?: All the time. Aly, Ally, Allie, Alisha...I get everything
if you could change your name what would you change it to?: Mae
gender?: That's a pretty lame question. Female.
birthday?: 11/05/89
age?: 17
age you act?: uum..depends on my mood
age you want to be?: I like being 17. 18 wouldn't be bad though. I am in no hurry to grow up.
height?: 5"6 (finally...I was 5"5 3/4 for a loooooong time)
eye color?: reddish brownish...matches my hair
happy with it?: eh
natural hair color?: auburny brownish
happy with it? if not do you dye it?: yes and yes
righty or lefty?: righty
family?: Mom, dad, and Brandon
pets?: not anymore
peircings?: ears
tatoos?: on my right butt cheek...............eew
love and stuff
single?: Far from it.
who are you with, or who do you want to be with?: The one and only Christopher Michael Whiteford
are you in love?: Undoubtedly.
have you ever been in love, if so how many times?: Yes....once...
do you believe in love at first sight?: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
is it possible to be faithful to one person for ever?: Of course it is!
do you want to get married?: More than you know.
do you want to have kids?: Oh, yes yes.
how many?: 3
do you believe in divorce?: In certain circumstances...
do you belive in true love?: Yes.
do you consider love a mistake?: HA! No way!
turn-ons?: those are secret, silly.
turns-offs?: Pride, laziness, rudeness, someone who doesn't love Jesus with all that they are...and no one too temprimental
do you think the oppisite sex finds you attractive?: I don't know
what is best about the opposite sex?: their lack of femininity
what is worst about the oppisite sex?: their lack of femininity
are you a virgin?: Oh yes. Until I am married.
do you belive you should be in love to have sex?: I believe sex was a gift from God meant to be kept inside of marriage.
how far have you gone?: kissing/making out...what have you.
how many people have you had sex with?: ...none
do other people consider you a slut?: I have actually had more of a prude kind of reputation
right at this moment...
where are you?: obviously in front of the computer screen
what can you see out your window?:'s pitch black
are you listening to music?: only the music in my head
are you lonely or tired?: a little of both
use 5 words to decribe how you are feeling:: preturbed, exhausted, hungry, sentimental, and content...if that is at all possible.
are you talking to anyone online? if so who?: Yes. Jake and Joseph
are you talking to anyone of the phone? if so who?: nope.
what are you wearing?: My All-State T-shirt and jeans
what are you doing?: filling out this survery
whats on your mousepad?: don't have one
how many true friends do you have?: Too many to count.
are you a loner?: when I feel like being one
who is your best friend?: I don't know that I have a "best" friend. Just a lot of close ones.
oldest?: Lee
newest?: probably Cassie
shyest?: Katie
loudest?: Abby
smartest?: Angela
ditziest?: Jessica
funniest?: Sam
who is the best listener?: Angela
do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends?: I like both. Depends on my mood and the situation under which we're hanging out.
who do you wish you were closer to?: Alyssa
who knows the most about you?: Kaleen
who knows the least about you?: Anyone who isn't a close friend, I suppose.
who do you trust the most?: Chris
the least?: ...don't know
who do you fight with the most?: Lee
who do you talk to online the most?: Joe
who do you talk to on the phone the most?: Chris
do you trust others easily?: sadly no
name one who's arms you feel safe in:: Do I really have to say this? Christopher.
who house were you at last?: Ethan's
who's your second family?: The Baldwin's
who lives the farthest away?: Jason
do you....
smoke?: eew
drink alcohol?: gross
do drugs?: yuck
pray?: Of course.
go to church?: Quite frequently throughout the week and I love doing it!
sleep with stuffed animals?: sometimes
take walks in the rain?: occasionally
dance in the rain?: Yes! Any chance I get!
do any sports? if so which ones?: not anymore. I used to play Softball hardcore, man!
sleep around?: Of course not.
lie a lot?: No
steal?: Never
gamble?: life.
have you ever....
kissed a stranger?: never
slept with a stranger?: never have and never will
spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?: actually yes....this happens often actually
screamed so much you lost your voice?: always
laughed so much it was painful?: often
cried so much it was painful?: more times than I wish I would have
gone skinny dipping?: ...hehe...yes
played strip poker?: nope
had a medical emergency?: once..only a twisted ankle
ran away from home?: yep
done something extremely unexpected?: I do unexpected things every day.
slept outside?: mmhmm
been onstage?: ha...that's a silly question.
deep stuff....
whats your biggest fear?: Being alone.
what was your weirdest dream?:'s long and detailed...
scariest dream?: My parents died.
do you have a reoccuring dream?: not the same dream...the same underlying idea though
what was your best dream?: uum...I have no idea. I have a hard time remembering my dreams.
what IS your dream?: To move to New York City and perform then raise a family and be happily married.
do you live in the moment?: Yes...and it can be great but it is also my downfall
what you greatest stregth?: My compassion for others.
whats your greatest weakness?: My inability to take a compliment.
do you have a motto you live by?: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
if your life were a movie what would it be called?: Little Big Girl
do you have any bad habits?: picking at my mascara
do you have any secrets?: of course I do
are you fake?: I sure hope not. I try my very hardest not to be.
what do you want to do in life?: Glorify God with all that I have and all that I am.
are you a daredevil?: sometimes...I am either the one in the group either leading the daredevil pack or the one examining all of the possible outcomes of things.
are you predictable?: At times.
do you keep a journal/diary?: Yes. It is good therapy.
if you could change one thing about you would you? what would it be?: My fear of letting people in.
if you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself?: Hmm...I've never thought about that before.
do you think your a good person?: I try to be.
do you think your emotionally strong?: Yes and no. For other people, yes. For myself...not always.
do you regret anything?: a million things
do you think life has been good so far?: very
what do you like most about you body?: nothing
least?: everything
are you trust worthy?: I try to be.
are you gullible?: Shamefully, yes...very!
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If it's music, I listen to it. From opera to hardcore. No matter what kind of music it is, it gets blasted from my room...


Fried Green Tomatoes, Beaches, Shining Through, The Skeleton Key, PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN...uuum anything with Johnny Depp in it, The Wedding Singer, Waterboy, Billy Madison, uum pretty much Adam Sandler movies as well...I don't know. What kind of a category is that? There are millions of movies in this world!


Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond,7th Heaven, Everwood, and I am an American Idol addict!


Depends on my mood and the weather. Yes, I did say the weather.


First and foremost, Jesus. Audrey Hepburn and my brother, Brandon.

My Blog

What hurts the most...

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Posted by one day at a time on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 06:07:00 PST

Highlight of my week!

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Posted by one day at a time on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 09:10:00 PST


I just want to let everybody know that I DID NOT put the picture of the pornographic old men on my site. Somebody is messing with my site. I'm sorry for anyone that had to see that. I changed my pass...
Posted by one day at a time on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 08:02:00 PST

I hate the dentist's office!

So I hate the Dentist office, right? "...b-b-but I don't wanna go, mom!""They're only going to clean your teeth. It will be painless. I promise!" "Yea right. Clean. Then comes a filling and before you...
Posted by one day at a time on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 01:44:00 PST

The greatest friends in the world.

I realized tonight how blessed I am. At church, Aaron spoke this awesome message that caused nearly the entire youth group to evaluate some things in their lives and most everyone ended up down at the...
Posted by one day at a time on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:45:00 PST

The Promise of a lifetime...

I've had a lot on my mind lately. A lot of things I'd rather not talk about. In short, I've felt really lost, overwhelmed, and completely weak lately. I've been fighting giving it to God because, in s...
Posted by one day at a time on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 01:55:00 PST


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Posted by one day at a time on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST