jtsongs profile picture


About Me

jtsongs started in 1992 working out of a small condo in orange sounty, ca. Recording on a tascam 4 track and pursuing a life long dream to make music, jt started learning the craft of songwriting and the art of recording. Eventually moving to the Songs From The Ranch Studio in south orange county, jt made the jump to digital recording in the form of a Roland VS-880, which paved the way for a small Pro Tools rig that has served him well for many years now (with the exception of that damn hard drive crash a year ago !!!) Music has served as an outlet for his ever changing life. The songs have evolved, along with the musicianship, performances and recording skills. This is home made music in it's truest sense. It's not meant to be refined or polished. There's plenty of that kind of stuff out there. It's meant to be real, warts and all. jt's songs serve as a look inside his life and times, as well as a reflection of his world view. Hopefully, you'll feel it too.Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests


Member Since: 17/01/2007
Band Website: Under construction
Band Members: jt - lead & backing vox, all sorts of guitars (acoustic & electric), mandolin, bass, keyboards, drum programming, plus whatever else I feel like throwin' in there!
Influences: 40 years of listening to music, including many of the folks you see to the right.
Sounds Like: jtsongs
Record Label: Songs From The Ranch
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

What the hell indeed!

I was hangin' around Memorial weekend when I read a headline on Yahoo news about the number of soldiers killed since last Memorial day.  The first thought that popped into my head was "what the h...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 14:43:00 GMT