Commitment and Communication and why I still hate people. |
It seems that lately, people have taken on a trend of non-committal and poor communication. The past two or three weeks have been particularly rough on me. I've had a copious amount of sch... Posted by on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 02:34:00 GMT |
Bitter Revelations |
Welcome to the bitter revelations of an angry young man. I'm going to get one down now because its fresh in my mind, and I'll be adding revelations as I come to them. Feel free to comment,... Posted by on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:59:00 GMT |
The Sex Application - Apply Now!!! |
Fill this out and based on your responses, you may be considered as a candidate for entry to my bed. 1. Would you let me be in control? 2. Would you pull MY hair? 3. Would you whisper in my ear? 4.... Posted by on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 20:08:00 GMT |
I am the hate camel. |
Well, its 220am here in texas, and I decided to go off on a rant. Here goes...I have officially become a camel of hatred. I've decided that I am completely fed up with society as a whole in regards ... Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 01:21:00 GMT |
Essoterrorism |
It began with a thought; however abstract that might seem
There was a crash of cymbals and the double bass was sounding out of tune
A lone oboe droned a dirge of confusion, and a single depressed ma... Posted by on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 00:58:00 GMT |
Moonshine |
Ok so -
Moonshine is a very nasty but useful drink. Useful if you want to get completely shitfaced in as little time as possible for as little cash as possible.
1 Gallon of Water
2 Cup... Posted by on Wed, 20 Apr 2005 16:32:00 GMT |
Cider |
Ok, so you've probably noticed my title of "newborn bootlegger extrordinare" I attribute this quote to the fact that I have several batches of "drink" fermenting, and waiting to be distilled into a b... Posted by on Tue, 29 Mar 2005 22:19:00 GMT |