:.LiSa.: profile picture


Why is it so hard to ask but so easy to end?

About Me

d NaMeZ "LiZ", HaLf FiLiPiNo n HaLf SaMoAN...sHoRt n ChuBbY...LoUd n ChErRy..cUrReNtLy aTtEnDiNg AmErIcAn SaMoA cOmMuNiTy CoLLeGe MaJoRiN' In cRiMiNaL juStIcE...gOt aLoT oF pOtEnTiAL..cOoL pErSoN aNd I bEt yOu ArE tOo..

My Interests

HmMm... i LoVeD KiCkInG iT wItH mY "H2X" gIrLs, My cLiQuE iN HiGh sChOoL... I MISS YOU GUYS!... NoW i Be HaNgInG oUt WiTh PeOpLe sOmEtImE i HaNgOuT wItH mY oLd FrIeNdS bAcK iN d DaYs... I LoVe TaLkInG & pLaYiNg ThE gUiTaR... i LiKe KiCkInG iT wItH PeOpLe WhO kNoW hOw To pLaY bEcAuSe I GeT tO LeArN nEw SoNgS... i AlSo LiKe sUrFiNg OnLiNe ChAtTiNg oR sUrFiNg ThE iNtErNeT fOr SoMeThInG iNtErEsTiNg... i DoN't gO aRoUnD LoOkInG fOr BaD sTuFf, If YoU kNoW wHaT i MeAn... I aLsO pLaY oN tHe pLaYsTaTiOn WhEn I fEeL LiKe It... i LiKe DoInG gUy StUff (SpOrTz, PoOL TaBlE) FoR sPoRtZ, i LiKe PlAyInG FoOtBaLL, VoLLeYbALL, bAsEbALL/sOfTbaLL, n tEnNiS.. bUt i'M nOt A gUy... I'M A GIRL, SO GET IT STRAIGHT!... MoSt PeOpLe ThInK i'M cOoL, sO HoPeFuLLy YoU dO, tOo!...

I'd like to meet:


You are very dominant in bed, and you like to control your relationship in general. You are so intense in the sack that none of your partners will ever forget you. You are an amazing lover, because you like to have an equal amount of give and take. Sex matches: Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces

...tO bE tRuE...I'd LiKe To MeEt SoMeOnE wHo HaS tHe HeArT oF cArInG, uNdErStAnDiNg, CoNfIdEnT, iNdEpEnDaNt, LoYaL, tRuStWoRtHy,BeInG tHeRe, FaItH, aNd fOr ThOsE oF yOu pLaYaH's ReAdInG tHiS, pLeAsE LeAvE tHe bUiLdInG!!!...

~MaH pReCiOuS sHiZtEr n PrAtHa~


CoUnTrY, RnBs, aLTeRnAtIvE, n RaPRnB...


FuLL HoUsE,SeVeN-HeaVeN, RaVeN, ZaCk n CoDy,CoRy In ThE HouSe, SaBrInA, SiStEr-SiStEr, SpOnGeBoB, ToMnJeRrY, MaUrY sHoW, MoNk, ReBa, sTiLL sTaNdInG, HoW iT's MaDe, DiRtY jObS, cOuNtRy CoUnTdOwN, n MTV...


MaH pHaMaLiA mOsT oF aLL MaH LiL' bRaDdAh..

My Blog

"Quiet time with God"

December 3, 2007 Monday Night For the first time, I have never felt so much weakness and pain in my body that I would not move but think. As I think to ask myself, "What is happening to me?" I tried t...
Posted by :.LiSa.: on Mon, 26 May 2008 06:46:00 PST