Guns, Ammo, Women, Cocaine
Lots of young and horney women! I have 72 years of experience under my belt (literally) and would love to teach you youngsters a few tricks!
Anything Bluegrass
A Bridge Too Far, The Dirty Dozen, Battle of the Bulge, The Delta Force, Commando, The Green Berets, Rambo, Lawrence of Arabia, Death Race 2000.
I like to watch the history channel, and I watch E! Television when swimsuit specials are on.
anything by Winston Churchill or Tom Clancy
Hercules, Odyssius, Odin, Gengis Khan, George Patton, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Shaka Zulu, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Teddy Rosevelt, Kaiser Barbarossa, Bruce Dickenson, Norman Swartzkopf, Gilgamesh, David the Benjamite, Hannibal, anyone who fearlessly leads his troops into the frey!