‘Maasai Fashion Line’ is the name of the innovative project that has been set up marrying two cultures, European and Massai. Using the strengths of each to create a unique range of haute couture and prêt a porter garments, accessories and shoes. The aim is to bring to the occident the beauty and richness of the Massai Culture.Today we are stock. Because we don’t have the finance to show and finish our collection off. The most important for us is more the support of a celebrity than money, in fact.
This project has started up 8 years ago. This is a paradox. On one side there is a culture older than 2000 years. Which has to get into business carefully, with out being destroyed… On the other side it has to follow the rules of our “American or European†labelled world. Which doesn’t allow any mistake. (Such as the way you look like or which university you are coming from).
The Maasaï tribe is maybe one of the only authentic tribe remaining in this world.
By creating a project with them. We are also giving them the tools to preserve and modernize them culture and tradition.Maasaï Fashion Line is a Time Machine, which is bringing us 2000 years ago. A bridge between 2 worlds.Emmanuel DUREUX / Sengwa Ole SUPEYO
[email protected] / [email protected]..
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