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The Musician's Handbook

About Me

Bobby Borg, major label, DIY and Indie label recording/touring artist, music business educator and A&R consultant to music supervisors, labels and producers and feature magazine columnist, 25 year experience in the music business. Visit his Website at

My Interests

To help steer artists, managers, and other music business professionals around the inevitable roadblocks that lie ahead. This is not meant to discourage, but rather to encourage.

I'd like to meet:

Musicians, songwriters, bands, producers, managers, law school students, and promoters are all welcome. Please feel free to visit my website at View the "calendar of events" for information on music business lectures and panels. For private consultations email me at [email protected]. I'd be happy to help you strategize your career and answer that urking music business question. Also check out The Musician's Handbook.


I'm open to speaking with artists of all genres including Alternative, R&B, Hot AC, A.C, AAA, Electronic, and Jazz.


NOW ON SALE: THE MUSICIAN'S CRASH COURSE LIVE DVD. Featuring Live Panel Discussions with over 25 top industry panelists, Lectures, Chalkboard Presentations and More. Reality Music Biz 101. Go to And find contact.


THE MUSICIANS HANDBOOK:A Practical Guide To Understanding The Music Business By Bobby Borg (Billboard Books). FINALLY, a book written BY A PROFESSIONAL MUSICIAN FOR MUSICIANS. From an artist turned industry pro who has actually been in the trenches himself; from rehearsal studios to label signings, to tour Busses to MTV video shoots. Chapters of this invaluable easy-to-read book cover career strategies, business and legal advice, useful contacts and rare and candid interviews with top industry professionals making The Musicians Handbook one of THE MOST HONEST AND RESOURCEFUL BOOKS EVER WRITTEN ABOUT THE MUSIC BUSINESS TO DATE!

My Blog

Musician's Handbook Chapter Two Opener: Being a member of a band is no different than...

CHAPTER 2: BAND MEMBERSHIPBeing a member of a band is no different than being part of a professional sports team; youre among a group of individuals united in achieving a common goal, each person play...
Posted by The Musician's Handbook on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 02:56:00 PST

Musician's Handbook Chapter One Opener: The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench

PART ONE: PURSUING A CAREER IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS. Hunter S. Thompson once wrote, "The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench; a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and ...
Posted by The Musician's Handbook on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 02:52:00 PST


Its important for artists and musicians to understand that their passion for music is already their success. They've found something that gives them true meaning; and that's something that many people...
Posted by The Musician's Handbook on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 02:46:00 PST