Master Jedi Shu profile picture

Master Jedi Shu

About Me

Well I'm a regular kid, i like to do fun stuff. I'm junior at Alvirne High school. I'm kind of tall and i ahve long curly brown hair. I play the trombone and im in 4 bands right now; Alvirne high concert, jazz, and wind band, and I'm in the New Hampshire youth jazz Orchestra. I like ot do magic so if you want to see somehting ask and I'll see if I can do it. I like to party and make movies. If you have any "Quesitons" e-mail me at [email protected] ..This profile was edited with MySpace HTML Editor
S Sensitive
H Hot
U Unnatural
M Mystical
W Wonderful
A Appealing
Y Yummy
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
Who are you?
Name? Ryan Mitchell Shumway
Birthday? 8/15/88
Eye Color? hazel
Hair Color? brown
Weight? 170-180 dont really know
Shoe Size? 11
Nationality? french-canadian
Birthplace? nashua
Number of Pets? 3
Righty or Lefty? righty
Current Location? hudson
Best thing about you? im always in a good mood
Worst thing about you? im always in a good mood
Interested in College? yes
Best Personal Experience? magic camp
Worst Personal Experience? leaving my clothes on my car
Good Parents or Bad? fair
Do you Work? no right now but soon to be
Car? one that moves
Movie? starwars and the muppets
Quote? sure why not
Actor? dont have one
Actress? dont have one
Month? all are good
Season? summer
Game? DAoC
Thing to do on a Friday Night? PARTY!!!
Country? Canada
City? i dont know
Class in School? math and band
Soda? sprite
Food? pizza
Fast Food? taco bell
Thing to do with the Opposite Sex? hmmmmm good question
Candy? mints
Animal? snake and wolf
Drink? garderade and powerade
Thing to do on a School Vacation? PARTY!!!
Place to be? room
Mall? there all the same
What do you look for In the Opposite Sex...
Hair Color? dont care
Eye Color? dont care
Weight? dont care
Height? dont care
Style? kind
Biggest Turn-On? all ways having fun
Biggest Turn-Off? drugs
Shoe Size? dont care
Calm or Hyper? both have there goods and bads
Are Braces a problem? no
Smoker? no
Drinker? no alcohol
Druggie? no
Similiar to you or Opposite? similiar
Older or Younger? dont matter
Specific Age? no
Body Style? no
Do you like going to the Grocery Store? yes
Do you have any fears? yes
Do you like working? sometimes
Are you spoiled? sometimes
Do you have a car? yes
(If yes to previous) What kind of car? mazda
Have you ever lied? sure ya i have
Have you ever lied to a bf/gf? nope
Have you ever gambled? yep
Do you like going to the mall? sometimes
Do you read just for the hell of it? sometimes (not the greatest of readers)
Are you happy with the way you are? yes
Do you think your attractive? not really
What grade are you in? 11th
Do you want to get married? someday
What grades do you get in school? mostly As and Bs but spanish Cs
Where was your favorite vacation to? Jamaica
How many states have you been to? i dont count
Ever been out of the country? yes
Want to go out of the country? sure why not
Ever been to Canada or Mexico? yes
Ever asked a random person for something? yes
Ever made a fool of yourself? yes all the time
Ever been embarassed? yes all the time
What kind of music do you listen to? jazz/funk
How much TV do you watch? some
Have you ever lied to yourself? hmmmm no "yes"
You were destined to have a Red Lightsaber.Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is
associated with energy, war, danger, strength,
power, and determination as well as passion and
desire. You have seen the Strength and Power of
the Dark Side of the Force and have you thirst
for more of it.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

My Blog

bass trombone searching

I need help from my friends, i was looking on this music site for a bass trombone and this one trombone caught my eye. i cant stop thinking about it, and i need some help. tell me if you like the bass...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 14:40:00 GMT

Jazz All-State Auditions

today was a long and ruff day, jazz all-state day. woke and head to the school to go to jazz all-state auditions. my audition was at 1pm after me was "kelly" a really really good trombone player. she ...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Oct 2005 15:52:00 GMT


8/30/05 "first day of school" i have a bad feeling this year is going to be a long and ruff year for spanish. any one out there that would like to help me, with spanish that is. over all it was a goo...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 17:17:00 GMT