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sharpass needles

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About Me

Created with mySpace Profile EditorWelcome to Industrial Strength, llc. We are the world’s leading manufacturer and distributor of body piercing needles etc... Industrial Strength, llc is a sub-division of a hypodermic needle manufacturing corporation with 30 years of experience. Over the past eleven years this division has provided the industry with top quality products made in the the best prices around. We have devoted extensive research to the development of our products that are specific to your needs and which deliver the quality and reliability we have accustomed you to. The success of our business has been the use of high quality materials, precision manufacturing, comprehensive information about our products, and the tender loving care every industry deserves. We would like to express our gratitude to all the professional body piercers and tattoo artists who lent their assistance and knowledge in the development of our designs. Industrial Strength, llc is proud to be a part of the industry and would like to thank you for your ongoing support and may industrial strength, llc and your business continue to grow and prosper together. Long Live SharpAss Needles!

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