Boldwood sign to Hobgoblin Records July 2007, we have signed Boldwood and will release the excellent debut album "Feet Don't Fail Me Now" in September with a launch party at Cecil Sharp House in Camden.All Jigged Out complete Australia tour June 2007, AJO are back from Australia after a very successful tour including a standing ovation at the Geelong festival. Two further tours down under are now being negotiated.Three Albums Launched Spring 2007 On 22nd Jan we launched The Rohan Theatre Band - Perfect World HOBCD1005, release date Feb 26th 2007. Last month on 26th Feb we launched Philippe Barnes & Tom Phelan - Madrid Sessions HOBCD1003 and it was released Mar 12th 2007. All Jigged Out - Wish Hill HOBCD1004 is scheduled for a launch party on 12th April and release on the 6th May.Distribution Deal Done 1st Jan 2007 Hobgoblin Records have appointed Proper Distribution to handle UK dealer sales for the label.1st October 2006 Three new albums back from pressing: All Jigged Out - Wish Hill HOBCD1004, The Rohan Theatre Band - Perfect World HOBCD1005 and Philippe Barnes & Tom Phelan - Madrid Sessions HOBCD1003
Candela are still in the studio working on their album, and recording sessions are booked up for Rocas and Blackthorn this winter.26th October 2005 Hobgoblin launched the expansion of their record label Hobgoblin Records at the WOMEX exhibition in Gateshead. To showcase the excellent music on offer, they have put out a 14 track showcase sampler including tracks from all 8 Hobgobin artists.Originally a vehicle for Hobgoblin's 25th anniversary CD release and further 2 releases by Hobgoblin founder Pete McClelland's bands Blackthorn and Thingumajig, the Label has now signed five further artists. They will release new CD albums from each of them, together with Blackthorn's second album, over the next few months.The label has a remit to cover acoustic roots, ethnic and traditional folk music from British based artists, from Jazz to Latin to Folk and beyondBUY NOW!
UK Dealer distribution is currently handled by Proper Distribution
UK Press is handled by [email protected] .
US Distribution is handled by Hobgoblin USA