I'd like to meet:
Hello Guvnah, My name is: Jessica Lauren Anne Jolivette Jones.
Myspace Name: Sexi Unplastic Barbieâ„¢
Born: January 12th in Orlando, FL.
Height: 5"2, just tall enough to go on
rollercoasters and shorter than majority
of guys!
I'm a very Artsy person. I love coloring books, drawing, doing makeup, taking&editing pics,listening to music, watching movies, and anything creative.
I plan on becomming a Tattoo Artist
(you can check out my drawings in my drawings
I have O.C.D with wearing makeup. I have to redo it/check it every hour, or else i have panic attacks.
I am a 5 year-old at heart<3.
I love Easter I think The Easter Bunny is the shitt. I still go out trick-or-treating & Easter Egg Hunting & I plan on doing it forever.I bring coloring books to class. I love to play with playdohâ„¢ and silly string, I love watching cartoons and jumping on beds. Rolling down hills, crawling on floors at restaraunts.Playing on Playgrounds, Swingin on swings. I'll say whatever comes to mind no matter who is around.
I whisper too pineapples when I go to safeway or anyother produce store. To say hello to Spongebob.
I make up interpretive dances and funny poems for my friends. I dip my arms in rubbing alcohol and light em on fire. I yell at T.V's and T.P. houses.I draw on my arms and meow at people. I eat most foods with my hands I love Chuck'e Cheese. I cannot tie my shoes properly. I will say disgusting things about what you're eating to not make you want to eat it anymore. I sit upside down in my desks & love itt when people give me candy =D! I jump up and down and wave my hands when im excited and I talk to the stars sometimes haha. I don't like eating candy in the shape of an animal (ex:Chocolate Bunny). I'm afraid of butterflies and I'm Hydrophobic(Morbid fear of water). And MOST Important of all; I have no problem with being myself 100% of the time.
Ask me anything, I will always answer you with the truth.
I mean that, and by anything, I mean ANYTHING!
But I'll never be rude about it.
So little people have the guts to be honest.
It's really sad.I think drugs&alcohol are a huge waste of life! If you need that crap to have fun you must be a terribly boring person.
Some people think I'm perverted, I just say I'm aware of my surroundings ;].
I wear Stilettos/High Heels everyday.
I've had a purse since the 4th grade.
My makeup ALWAYS matches my clothing.
I Do Not eat pork or drink milk.
I'm definitely not like most girls,
I know exactly who I am, I'm comfortable with that
I feel no need to impress people.
I do what I do because I want to, not because
someone else is doing it.
I'm very independent and I always have been.
I'm pretty much the most stubborn girl/person you'll ever
meet. If I want something I don't change my mind
ever unless I want to.
I believe in myself, and I know that I will be successful
at whatever venture I persue.
I don't care what people think of me
The only people I care about know who they are.
I love my true friends more than anything.
I'd trade all the makeup in the world for them!
I'm serious and like I said you know who you are.
Those of you who understand me and love me for who I am,
I love you all so much.
And all the people who are fake FUCK OFF before I find out and beat the living shit outta you.I live my life the way that I wish to, no one will
ever hold me back.
I'm a pretty cool girl when you really get to
know me.
I may be a little different but at least, I'm
not afraid to throw myself out there and
not act fake
or try to put on some act to impress people.
I'm just me, Always.
I love to play video games, I have a Xbox 360, Wii, PS3, Nintendo 64, Pac Man Machine, Atari, Psp's, the whole shazam.
Gamertag: is my makeup ok
you should play me sometime =].
I love to have fun, I'm up for almost anything, I love adventures =].
Saw movies are my favorite and I love love love love Porn&Chicken haha.
like i said people think I'm weird and perverted but thats just me.And if you still think you wanna get to know me then go ahead and comment, message, or picture comment me or you can hit me up on aim
Screen Name: SexiUnplstcBrbie
alright well peace (fuck peace) I'm outt.<3
Current Goal:
Buy my Hairless cat =]
(Why do I want a hairless cat? umm because I don't like Hairy Pussy's, do you?)" B e who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.â€- Dr. Seuss
Lovely people
What People Think of Me:
HEY people... this is damion rosby aka macadamion nut talking about his gurl jessica jones aka snowwhite!
ive know jessica since about 7th grade and weve been good friends ever since...she is an amazing artist!! i wish i had connections to animation companies cuz i would tell them about her asap!! i see big things comming for u in the future..jessica is great and one memory i can think of with her is at mac's party in 9th grade and u freaked the shit out of me!! my balls were killin me when i got home...
i love you gurl!! and if anyone fucks with you they got BIG D to deal with and thats got gonna be fun.. well im out babe! ily mucho!!
-damion rosby
Jessica is the coolist fucking chick that i have ever met! SHE WATCHS PORNNNNN!!!!
Jessica Jones. She's totally indescribable in the best way. lol. Always happy and exciting wen I see her, Never a dull moment. No subject is ever hard to talk about with her. She is one of the coolest girls i know. We've been awesome friends since 7th grade. So fun to hang out with. Always beautiful even without her make-up. Has such an awesome personality. And just plain awesome. And she's one of the sexiest girls in school too.
"alright lets do this....jessica is pretty much the coolest person you will
EVER meet.
she is always doing her own thing.
for sure one in a million.
i mean what chick do you know watches porn?
HAHAHA! never will you not have a smile on your face
when your done talking to her.
she loves CHICKEN!
so if you wanna be on her good side offer her some=D
lets just say jessica is HELLA 12!"
"whats up! its cassie here to tell you a little bit about my girl jessica jones! shes my horny ass sister and i love her to death. weve have some good times. i dont think ive ever laughed any harder than i did when i was with her last year. THE SNAIL & THE WOODEN BEAR hahaha inside jokes!! if jessica isnt your friend then your missin out cause shes a AWESOME friend to have. shes hella funny fun honest trustworthy and all around an amazing person! u needa get ta know her nd fasssttt i love you jesss and i miss ur ass hella much"
-Cassie K. aka My Horny Sister
"jessicaaa fucking joness is one of the most amazing girls EVER! she keeps me laughing constantly and is never afraid to be her weird self around anyone at all. she like neverrrr sleeps and will say anythinggg to gross you out while your eating. she is sooo random and spazzes out a lot but thats why we get along so well! we make the weirdest noises and comments when were together! before we even knew each other really we became subway buddies! and now we go to subway every 23rd of every month! then the first time we actually hung out she was crawling around on the floor at mountain mikes and the pizza looked like it had testicles on it! hahah i can only hope that we will become even better friends! i love her sooooo much and she means a lottt to me foreverrrr<333"
-NickiLammBiatchhh =D
"Jessica and I went to school with eachother for 8th and 9th grade and we didnt start becoming friends till 9th (idk why though) but im glade we did =]. when we talk we have hella funny shit to say and its non stop laughter! I love this girl el mucho and if any of you lil skanks or *cough* grudgelookalikebitches *cough* mess with her imma kick your ass =]. I LOVE YOU SEXI UNPLASTIC BARBIE ;]"
-Jesse Martin
Jessica Jones!! she's one one my favorite people in the world!
we have so much in common. even right down to our love of porn ;]
She has to be the most real person i know. shes never ashamed of herself and if you wanna know shit about her she'll give you the whole trurth and nuthin but the truth!
She's SO nice and easy to get along with. We hate the same people, love the same things, and help eachother out when we need it. she helps me with my HORRIBLE shit drawing and i help her rid of her ghosts. She is an amazing artist of ALL types ;D haha we have some pretty kick ass inside jokes and my favorite has to be PP AND PD!
i definatly hope that i will know her throughout my whole life because life without this chick is SOOOO boring and dull. she has a talent for bringing the room to life. Its IMPOSSIBLE to hate this girl and if you have anything against her you better drop it cuz ill go black on yo ass nigguhboo! ill never forget the fun times we've had like watching the grudge and degrassi and all that other fun stuff. especially like scaring the crap out of ally by eating goldfish with our toes! hehe. she gives me the best advice and im pretty sure it always works. what can i say??? shes one of my besties and the best chick you could possibly ever know!
<3 Helaina
Jessicaa:] this bitch is my bitch like no other.
she is the sexiest mother female i have ever loved! she can make me happy when im down and is always there for me:] i love her to death and will kill someone for her:] ily jess!!!
I don't belive in peace, we have to fight for what we believe
in. Or else we'll lose it
" A sperations/Goals:
-Become a Makeup Artist Part-time
-Work as a Successful Tattoo Artist
-Open up my own shop, eventually.
-Staying true to myself, and never allowing myself to do what I do not believe in. Or what someone else wants me to do or what they think I should be. I'm going to be myself 100% all the time, and I will never change that for as long as I live. Ever.
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