A - art, ariel
B - books, bread, biscuits
C - cards, cold
D - donkies
E - explainations
F - frolicking
G - giggles
H - hearts, humans, hand holding
I - incandecent lighting
J - juxtaposition
K - kid jokes, kisses
L - lips, leggings, lyrics, lammas
M - movies, music
N - necks
O - old people
P - photographs, parks
Q - quick jaunts, quotes
R - reading
S - spooning, sloths
T - teeth, trivia, tape, turkies
U - umbrellas, unicorns
V - venting, verses
W - wandering aimlessly
X - 'x'-hibitions
Y - yawns
Z - zoos
Nan Goldin
Zsa Zsa Gabour
B jork
B roken Social Scene
C ity & Colour
D amien Rice
J oshua Radin
R ay Lamontagne
S hyuler Fisk
T aking Back Sunday
A merican Beauty
B eauty and the Beast
C loser
D onnie Darko
E ternal Sunshine
F ight Club
G reen Mile, The
K -pax
L ast Kiss, The
L ost in Translation
L ove, Actually
L ittle Mermaid, The
M ean Creek
N ight at the Roxbury, A
O bsession
P umpkin
S tay
S hape of Things, The
U nited States of Leland, The
V irgin Suicides, The
W inter Passing
D awsons Creek
G reys Anatomy
H ills, The
L aguna Beach
N ancy Grace
P epperann
♥ The Blonde - Barnaby Conrad III
♥ The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
♥ The Fuck Up - Arthur Nersesian
♥ The Perks of Being A Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
♥ The Game - Neil Strauss
♥ The Progress Of Love - Alice Munro
♥ Choke - Chuck Palahniuk
♥ Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs - Chuck Klosterman
♥ Icy Sparks - Gwyn Hymen Rubio
♥ Apathy - Paul Neilan
♥ The Romantic - Barbara Gowdy
♥ The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon