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About Me

Due to Zak's busy schedule as a Indigent Criminal Defense Investigator and since Zak & Pluto are on to bigger and better things; Lelington will not be making any new songs. Partially due to the fact that Lelington's sounds were intended to be created using the ALESIS Micron synthesizer plugged through my Vox Valvetronix Amp head and the fotsex multi-track recorder. Now that i have a new recording set-up and now that I am a student of and can actually play the piano (yes im saying when I recorded Lelington I couldn't play the keys to save your life) I am in the proccess of perfecting my new sound and genre and will return with a new title and sound (I may post it on this page when its ready if I post it at all). Lelington is complete (for the time being) but hold on, put the gun down, I still have numerous Lelington classics that were not posted and will switch them up periodically. Also since Ive stopped recording for Lelington Ive kept recording other tunes using my samplers and a much nicer sounding synth. E-mail me (use my old E-mail account so my busniess one isnt flooded with junk) if you want me to send any Mp3's of those. [email protected] ------------------------T-------H------A-----N-----K------S- ------------------------Zak ------- Private Investigator-&-Rupert Plutonium AKA Pluto MasterBlaster

My Interests


Member Since: 16/01/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: LELINGTON's ROOTS <> Zak ------- P.I. - Rhyming, drum samples & loops, playing the keys on the synth, vocals, lyrics, effects, mixing, mastering, baking the cake <> Pluto (DJ Plutonium) - Making sure the whole operation is in order (making sure the cake doesnt burn)
Influences: GOD, Rosemary Ferguson, YES, SuperTramp, Buddy Defranco, Jurrasic 5, Cut Chemist, U.N.K.L.E., my main man Pluto, Billy Munn, Sundays, MF DOOM, Moody Blues, the Ink Spots, Pink Floyd, DJ Shadow, NWA, Ella Fiztgerald, Special Herbs Volumes 1-9, Atmosphere, DangerDoom, KMD, Madlib, Soft Machine, Black Sabbath, Roy Brown, Whiskey Hill Blues Band, (the synth player has got some lightning-like fingers) , Duke Ellington, Camel's "the flight of the snow goose" album, and of course the old man when he jams out on our piano.
Sounds Like: you crying because of the absolute greatness. MF Doom'special herbs, cut chemist, Dj shadow, the singer from green day drunk and on steriods trying to rap.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

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