I have finally met the man i am going to marry someday... He makes me so happy all of the time... I don't know now what life would be without him... He is my bestfriend the one i can tell anything to... and being my bestfriend we have our battles too.. But we never go to bed mad... I love him so much he is the other half in which makes me whole.... We moved into our own house not to long ago it is right on the lake which i love so much on those one and a million hot days in Washington lol!!! It is great living together and starting a life together... I have a really good job at the Tulalip Casino who don't work there though lol!!! And my life seems to be just going the way i want it I am loving it right now and I will for a very long long time!!!
a poem for my chunkey monkey R.I.P Jordyn Nicholas Charles Moses 10-02-07 to 04-23-08
Jordyn Nicholas Charles Moses
10-02-07 to04-23-08
A life taken before a life was even lived But in the six months that Jordyn spent here, he touched so many people right in their hearts.... Ther... Posted by on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 22:38:00 GMT