TOP 5...THINGS I LIKE... 1. Orange Juice, Lots of Pulp
2. Cooking
3. Popcorn, with salt, pepper, and M&Ms
4. Cooking
5. Outdoor activities, hiking, canoing, biking -------TOP 5 THINGS I HATE...I hate... 1. When people bite their fork
2. Gold/Diamonds
3. Whipped Cream
4. Roses
5. Conservatives/close minded people
I order more than one beverage at a time i.e Coffee, OJ, Water. I take at leat 20 mins to order, because I'm so bad with menus. I lose everything. I laugh or smile almost continuously. I have a great friendship with my mother, even though she drives me crazy. I bite my nails. I sing in the shower, and turn my car into a venue everytime I drive. I want to save the world.Quizilla |
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Your Inner Muse is Thalia
You are most like this playful muse of comedy.
Life is all about laughter to you, and you're a natural comic.
You make people laugh until their sides split.
And you're always up for some play time!
What Muse Are You?
Fiona Apple - Video - Sleep To Dream
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You Are a Soy Latte
Yeah, you've got a bit of that healthy hippie thing going on
But you're more Kate Hudson urban bohemian than Phish groupie
You're worldly and well traveled.. and you know where to get the best coffee in town.
All your experience makes you a compassionate person - and a caring girlfriend. What Kind of Coffee Are You? style type="text/css">..
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