1D, 2D, 3D, 8bit, abstract, africa, afternoons, air hockey, allentown, alliteration, alphabetical order, amazing films, the amsterdam clubkids, ancient ruins, andy kaufman, andy warhol, animated gifs, answers, any lettuce that is not iceberg, aquariums, aquarians, arcade games, art things, artisan bread, asian, babes, bad ideas, bad jokes, bags by loop, banksy, bath time, baxtah, beachtime, beans, beautiful bathrooms, beautiful works of art made from ice cream and accessories, beer, being car-less, bicycles, bicycle riding, big cats, bike bells, bikes, biking, binge eating, binturong, birthday parties, blanching, blip the game, blips, blipsters, bobcat s250, bold soul sistas, booty house, breakfast, breathing, bright green, bright tights, bubble baths, bubble bobble, buffalo, camp fires, camping, carpetbaggers, car hydraulics, cash on hand, casio, cat names, cats, caves, chaos, chess, chi-city mayne, chicken jerky, chicken wings @ papa jakes, children aged 2-10, chubby kittens, circletrianglesquare, circles, classy, clean break, clocks which display an incorrect time, clouds, collaboration, color, color combos, colors, colors, colors everywhere, commas, complete, conceptual art, concerts, contemplating alignment, conversation, cookies, corn and curry soup @ cafe 59, couscous from globe market, crafts, crayola, creation, creative studies, crying in tandem with laughing, curry, cute, cylindrical tubes of aural love, dan deacon, dancing, dancing robots, dancing to the 12/8 path band, dark chocolate, dark hair, dark denim, dictionary, delivering the wow, design, desire, dinner, dinosaurs, discovering uninhabited islands, discussing time and questioning it's existence, dittos, diy, documentaries, dogs in shape, doing what i want when i want, downloading, dr. mario, dumb sluts(not really), dreaming, droppin' science, e-bay, eggs florentine, electro, electronic, entity, espresso con panna with honey and cinnamon, europe, exchange of knowledge, experiencing a performance conducted with a brass instrument, experiments, extra tomatoes, extreme relaxation, family, fancy pants, fauna, faxes, festivals, filing cabinets, filters, finding beauty in something in which beauty was not the initial intention of said thing, first times, five senses, flash animation, flatnessisgod, flora, flowers, foodfoodfood, fools gold, foosball, foot rests, forts, frank's hot sauce, free, freelance, free spirited individuals, fresh, fried food, friends, friends with animated gifs as default image, fruits in my dinner, fruits on my sandwich, futuristic anything, galaga, games, gardens sans bees, getting lost, ghetto-blasters, glenn o'brien, glitter on face, going to sleep at the sunrise, good sound guys, graph paper, graphic design, grass, grassy hills, greener grass, grills, guest list, haberdashery, handmade wallets, having a housewife, headphone land, hearty oatmeal stouts, hefeweizen, hikes, hipster runoff, hootin' and a hollerin', hose fell out, hot fonts, hula hoops, human interaction, ideas, ignoring problems, index cards, ink stamps, irish car bombs, irregular choice shoes, jamming, japanese everything, jc, judging people based on shoes, kicking people that owe me money, kickle cubical, kids' night, kidz on glue, korg, kindergarten, korg, krumping, last times, lazing around, learning, lego, libraries, light bulbs over the head, living for the day, losing keys and other very important objects, LOVE, lower case type, lunch, macbook, magazines, making a mess, making breakfast on sunday, making fun of really bad outfits, making music, making pizza, maillard reaction, manx cat, marcel duchamp, mario, mateo, michele, miniature sized anything, modern vintage, moleskine notebooks, mom, mornings, mountain biking, movement, moving, mpc1000, music, musicals with mom, my apartment, naping, never littering, never playing monopoly again, new hair cut, next level, nice boys, nice girls, night time, no wind, nonsense, not eating mammals, not using my free cable, notebooks, observereact, organs(of the musical variety), other countries, other dimensions, other planets, outfits, painting things green, parks that don't have highways through them, parallel parking, party hats in conjunction with thinking caps, pedal power, percussion, personal human dishwashers, personalization, petunia cat, photo booths, photoshop, photosynthesis, picnics, pints of beer on the house, pizza, places i've never been before, playing in the mud, polka dot, porches, post-modern, post-rave, process not product, procrastination, prudent elders, pumping up the jam, quality, questioning, questioning you, raving, reading books, reading minds, researching, respect, restriction creation, retrospect, rhombus, rhymes, rock, rock paper scissors shoot, roll, rollercoasters, rooftops, rugs, sailboat racing, salt water aquariums, scooters, sea anemone, sea horses, sensations, sexy furniture, sharing books, sharing cheer, sharing germs, sharp dressers, shooting stars, sitar, slang words, sleeping, sleeping outside, sleepovers, slingin' coffee, slothtards young and old, smart kids, smell of cheerios, smoothies made with fresh fruit, solving equations, soundlab, soy ice cream, space, spending time with myself, squares, star gazing, succulent plants, sugar city, summer dresses, sundays, sunglasses, sunshine, supine anything, surprises, surfing around the world(wideweb), surround sound speakers, swatch watches, synthesizers, taking pictures, tasting food while cooking, tasting something new and amazing, tea, technology, tennis, that favorite pair of pants, the twins, theme parties, thinking, "this american life" on npr, thumb wars, thursdays, tim&eric, toast, tofu, toms shoes, travel time, too much fun, traffic circles, trashy, trouble, turtles, tv party, twenty eight year olds, unfiltered, universal exploration, urban exploration, vector angle pin, veggies, velcro sometimes, venn diagram, vinyl, viva radio, waking up with the sunrise, walking, walnuts, warm meals, warm skin, warm smiles, warm wind, wasting "precious" cash, water, waterfronts, websites, weird, weirdos, weird outfits, weird words, white lady, wigs, wisdom, wired magazine, when the water pressure in the shower is superior, wnysor, yahtzee, zippers, zzzs.