Have you ever stopped to think... |
What it would be like if God didn't take us back when we fall...and when we do fall, why does it take us so long to go to God when he is waiting right there with open arms. No matter what we do, God w... Posted by on Mon, 18 Jul 2005 09:19:00 GMT |
How goes it? |
Hi all! So yesterday was a good day. I love Sundays. I look forward each week to going to church. Just wish the weekend could last longer.
Yesterday after church, some of us went to Applebee's and we ... Posted by on Mon, 18 Jul 2005 09:02:00 GMT |
Do you REALLY know me? |
20913-270499 Posted by on Mon, 18 Jul 2005 09:00:00 GMT |
Ok! Now that I am totally going insane. I don't know why I ever picked the major I did. Why didn't I pick something like underwater basket weaving. No I had to pick LAW...stupid stupid stupid...ok, so... Posted by on Thu, 14 Jul 2005 13:36:00 GMT |
Cry on my shouldar |
You say your falling apartReached the end of the lineJust looking for your place in an ordinary lifeNo one calls you friendNo one even knows your nameYou just want to feel loved instead of all the pai... Posted by on Wed, 13 Jul 2005 12:25:00 GMT |
Why did the nut fall out of the tree? |
Ok! So I thought I would do an actual post.
Life is boring, as usual. Work and School...School and Work. Im so swamped with school, I have at least 40 hours of homework a week. Why is this so su... Posted by on Mon, 11 Jul 2005 09:08:00 GMT |
What Crap... |
I cannot believe that Michael Jackson was found Not Guilty on all charges. What has this world come to. Stupid people. Just shows proof that the more money you have the more you can get away wit... Posted by on Mon, 13 Jun 2005 14:30:00 GMT |
YIKES!!!!! |
Um, ok so i'm not liking that tomrrow I turn 30. I was just fine when it was 60 months away. Now it's tomrrow. What the heck man. I'm not gonna turn 30 gracefully as everyone says I should. I'm ... Posted by on Fri, 03 Jun 2005 07:14:00 GMT |
Tennis! |
So apparently, Amanda and I suck at tennis and are not allowed to play with the boys LOL. Amanda, Mark, Bill, Scotty, Adam and I went and played tennis last night at cope. It started out me and ... Posted by on Wed, 25 May 2005 13:16:00 GMT |
What a day!!!1 |
Yeah, so I thought I would be lazy and Just post the exact same thing i posted on my Xanga LOL...so don't read it twice. hehehehe
OK! So I have to say that this past weekend was CRAZY. Friday I too... Posted by on Tue, 24 May 2005 07:11:00 GMT |