hELLO FELLOW DOGGERS!!! oohhhhh yyeeesssss im the real life human churchilldogg, whilst im not posing as a car insurance advertisment legend, im busy being a 21 yr old student (sport studies 3rd year,liverpool uni) from oldham. i like playing, coaching and watching sports mainly SUPER Cricket. im also a mcfc season ticket holder (someone has to be!!)and fully pledged member to the world famous BHSS. BHSS i hear you cry, we're the idiots from oldham who go to random places at random times to do random things that mainly involve drinkin and stupidity. all this and being a full time lookalike of the car insuance churchill nodding dog--
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Your Aura is Red
Your Personality: Self-confident and stunning, you live in the now! You love life and experience all it has to offer.
You in Love: You're a bit private and have trouble opening up. You need a secure guy who can deal with your independence.
Your Career: Your ideal job gives you a ton of control and concrete results. Consider being a chef, surgeon, or architect.
What Color Is Your Aura?