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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

============================================================ =================================*************************** *********************************************A people whisperer, a guide, teacher and mentor. I specialize in working with persons in the entertainment and sports community; professional athletes, musicians, singers, movie actors/actresses, artists and other creative talent.***************************************************** ******************* "My goal is to guide each person to create for themselves the opportunity to have each of their talents and thoughts tuned in the direction of that which one has a passion for. I know that if the passion and creative direction of each individual is found and followed, then the physical, mental and financial rewards will flow naturally."************************************************* *********************** Working one on one with people, available for individuals and companies.To give you an idea what I do and how people value my work....see testimonial, for more info, contact details and testimonials, check or************************************** **********************************"Intuitive, kind and empathetic to others, Rob Waterlander is an absolute joy and privilege to work with. If you're in the entertainment or sports industries, he really "gets" the pressures that we have to live up to - not only our own expectations, but the needs and expectations of those around us, and the public. He doesn't preach, or tell you what to do or which plan to follow. Instead he leads each individual to the place within where the answers lie. He gently guides one to what they know, and what they need to know, to not only be successful in career - but also to be able to reconnect with the happiness and peace within. He's also an expert in combining the realities of business and marketing (and public relations), with the spiritual/emotional needs of an individual. "

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the authentic you. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ***************************Passion************************** ************************ Know that you are able to create anything you want. You determine what your future looks like. You can turn your dream into reality when you create it out of passion, without fear and most of all from the heart. The energy of Passion will help you reach your passion and realize that you are capable of anything if it is done with passion...... ************************************************************ *******************************************================= ======================================================= Rob has a heart and head for all and especially for the children and women in our world. He sees himself being involved in adding value to the lives of children and women... ============================================================ ============

My Blog

lifecoaching Obama!

I have a feeling that Obama needs you to guide him!  Things seem to be in such an upheaval here, and Im hoping that things will settle down soon. A lifecoach lifecoaching people, whispering...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 04:31:00 GMT


It's funny you know Robert. I only spoke to you for such a short time, at such a difficult and confusing time.....and yet I feel so thankful to have met you, and to correspond like this. You came acro...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Nov 2008 16:40:00 GMT


Rob, U & d Aloe have something in common!! The help to heal! B
Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 12:16:00 GMT


Have your publicity agent call all the talk shows now.   You intuitively understand what's going on in others' lives. You're a perfect shoulder to cry on in the hall, but you also make an exc...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 10:57:00 GMT


Hello,Bedankt voor de mooie tekst, man... echt emotioneel, ik moet steeds huilen elke keer dat ik je tekst lees, je ben echt geweldig man. ik hoop dat al je wensen uitkomen, dat je een ...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 10:52:00 GMT


Things you have said in the past have really touched my life in a positive way... I am thankful for the words you have shared with me helping me feel better at a certain moment when I was needing it. ...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 10:49:00 GMT

testimonial...while after interacting and sending a pic

I recognise what I see in this picture of you...... That's The look! Right there, says it all.... sublimity, exquisitness, self assurance, imminent dominance and the possibility of certain jeopardy t...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 09:40:00 GMT

testimonial ..... ( dutch)

ik vond het een aangename ochtend, je stelde best wel veel vragen, maar ik voelde geen schroom om niet mezelf te zijn.ik moet zeggen, het was even een stop-moment voor mij, toen je de vragen stelde. i...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 09:37:00 GMT

I love this one......... "about children and...."

"If you encourage your children to stay connected to Source Energy, they will remain clear-minded; they will remain optimistic; they will remain enthusiastic. They will remain balanced; they will rema...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:10:00 GMT

website..... is now officially available online, is linked to the same site.
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 16:29:00 GMT