make up, make out, drug free, sugar free, say yes, say no, online, tan line, on top, rock bottom, short hair, short skirt, big crush, lush wave, save the whales, save yourself, save the world, one world, one love, cross train, insane, stand alone, stand together, make peace, make love, make cake, get high, get low, ride hard, ride free, open road, open mind, good girl, bad girl, slow dance, loose pants, clean your room, kick back, baby got back, fall down, break down, MTV, CD’s, homework, stay home, buffed out, bail out, space out, chill out, clean air, air head, gear head, eat right, exercise, evian, phone bill, the pill, land fill, turn on, drop out, don’t drink, don’t drive, don’t smoke, don’t cry, safe sex, big mac, big date, big jerk, straight A’s, first base, too hip, too loose, too tall, sunshine, sunscreen, live, sleep, breathe, dream, day dream, sit ups, push up, too slow, too young, too easy, too old, too much, who cares, who knows, new shoes, bad hair, good hair, teddy boy, bad boy, reputation, meditation, first time, last time, low fat, non-fat, skinny dip, surf naked, sleep naked, cuddle up, please stay, please don’t, please go, please come, be good, feel good, so good- LIVE
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