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About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - my name is colette and im 21. I work as a HCA nurse in A+E at Torbay hospital. I love my job, i wouldnt want to do anything else. when im not working i love to spend time with my familly and friends. The fox familly mad but unique. i have two sisters, Nicola the eldest- (first born) and she likes everyone to know that. I couldnt live with her but she has a heart of gold and shes always there when i need her. she very mad for example she 27 a mum and starred in paignton panto. kim- well me her are very different but again we are very close and i dont know what i would do without her or her clothes. well i also have a brother gavin whos 26 going on 12. what can i say, he is the life and soul of our familly. he loves to make people laugh ( getting his bum out in public places )very embarassing! hes my best friend and im lucky to have a brother like him. my parents- i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for them, they are there when i need them and they are very special to me in many ways. Not forgeting our new member of the fox family LEO my newphew- hes the best in every way! i also have great friends who are always there when im feeling sad or when i want a good night out they never let me down. well thats enough about me and my familly. xxxxx

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