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About Me

Who am I? Take everything you have ever known about men and chuck it in the trash can, cause I am NOT your everyday kind of man. I am what I consider a “Riverbank Redneck”. I know, I know, “Redneck”? That’s not always a bad thing. I pride my self on my southern heritage, that is where the redneck part comes in. I also love the river system we have here in N.W. Florida especially the northern part of the Chipola river, it is breath taking.. So hence comes “Riverbank Redneck”! And being from Florida I love the beach equally as well. I just love the fishing and sunsets, sometimes it just makes my gasp in wonder at Gods creations. I am so blessed to have grown up in the beautiful part of the country.Alright let’s dig a little deeper into my theory about me. Shall we? As I stated before I grew up here in a very small town called Wewahitchka, Florida, about 30 miles east of Panama City, if ya wanna look it up. I have been blessed with the most wonderful family anyone could ask for. My Granddad was Postmaster here till his retirement when my Dad became Postmaster. Oh it doesn’t end there. My Dad had to retire due to health problems and that is when my Mom became Postmaster. LMAO, yup, that’s right. Well I’ve never worked for the post office but I do carry the gene and I COULD go postal at any moment, LOL. Really I loved growing up here. Hell who wouldn’t, I was “Opie”.After High School I decided to follow my dreams and spent the next 22 years on the road. I love my music and it will always be a major part of my life in some shape form or fashion, It has given me the opportunity to travel the world over a few times and be a part of things that 99.9% of the people can never say that they have done. The night clubs are getting to be a grind but after all I started this when I was 13 and after 37 years of dealing with drunks I think it is time to give it a rest. So soon, I will retire from the more public side of my life and get my weekends back! Any one wanna go “Tube‘n”?I have two sons, Drew 21 and Michael 18 this Nov. who are my buds. I have raised them both alone since they were small children. Any single parent will tell you what a challenge that can be. Naturally they never miss an opportunity to let me know just how dumb “Dad” is, LOL. Ya know, I was never like that. Yeah right!!!! But anyway, they are my life and I love them with every ounce of my being.I love to hunt and fish, ok the redneck is peeking out again, LOL. But I am a single man and I can have dead animals on my wall if I wanna! Nanny nanny boo boo, and my girlfriend said it was ok! All part of being an inferior decorator. I also love to go to yard sales, boating, scuba diving, and so much more, pretty much anything outside is cool with me. But ain’t nothing wrong with a good movie and a couple of frosty beverages on a rainy day. Makes for some good snuggling, huh.Well that’s all your getting from me right now. Enough ain’t it,,,LMAO. So give me a shout out sometime. If ya want an add you better send a message with your request or it WILL be denied!!!! See ya soon (-;found this music layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments

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This lady, my baby Shari

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Me September of 2004 B4 gastric bypass
Shot at 2007-07-10



Check this lady out, she is a killer poet!!!!


Jesus and my dad. The men and women of our Armed Forces. There are a few more but you wouldn't know them. .
Thank you Eileen

And Pleas pass this around to your musician friends, who know they just might want in on the action too.

My Blog

Ya just gotta love us Floridians!!!!!

Gotta love us Floridians! You might be a Floridian if..."Down South" means Key West, well anything south of Ocala"Panhandling" means going to Pensacola.You think no-one over 70 should be allowed to dr...
Posted by ~~Kliph~~ on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 09:17:00 PST

Cheryl's Pal's Colab Poem by: Cliff Millergren

I Will Be Your Man By: Cliff Millergren CHERYL"S PAL"S COLAB POEMS     Our love is but a turning point (Lady "Cheryl" Death) What could our future hold in store (vicki wagner) (vicki wag...
Posted by ~~Kliph~~ on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 10:43:00 PST

Health Advisory

               Health Advisory   No this is not a notice that has been issued by the Surgeon General, but rather an observation by...
Posted by ~~Kliph~~ on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 08:13:00 PST

Redneck Pimp Daddy

Redneck Pimp Daddy   When I left her she was screaming So I hopped into my beemer Made my way down that winding road She hurt my pride and made me out a sucker But I've been down that road before...
Posted by ~~Kliph~~ on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:49:00 PST

Did I wake up in a strange land?

  Well, it seems that yet another piece of our landscape is going to vanish into the sunset some time this week.  The "Wonder Bar" is gone for ever folks and will replaced with condos. ...
Posted by ~~Kliph~~ on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 06:06:00 PST