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Hey Everyone! How r u? Welcome to my page. My name is John Wells. I been in business and marketing for 7 years. I was an owner of real estate company and I sold that for something even bigger. I been studying the internet market for awhile and I even Figured a way out to make alot of money with myspace. I want to be able to share these ideas and help other people who never had the chance to taste success. My goal here on myspace is to start an internet team and market to the masses. I have all the tools and programs that will automate all the work. Check here for more detail. Look here now I promise I'll guarantee your success. because like my slogan says. It takes team work to make the dream work.Anyways That's my business life. Don't think of me as that kid that was born with everything. Hell no. I'm just like everyone else. Never could get anywhere with life, always wondering where I'm going to sleep the next day or even think about if I'm going to have any food to eat for the day. I'll tell you. I lived in a car for months and some days I would have nothing to eat. I was so poor and I didn't want to live like that anymore. So I found this company that brought me to my success and I would love to share it with everyone else.