The other, more serious side of you:
Name Claire "Khalida" Ali
Ethnicity half Malaysian half English and peeerouuud!!
Height 5'5"
Hair Color brown/black
Eye Color light brown
Your opinions please?
Abortion against!!! adoption....
Capital Punishment under some circumstances ....yes!!...paedophiles for example.
Immigration awesome!
War not awesome!
America awesome!
Gay Marriage also awesome!
The Economy sucks at the moment...
Political Party are you i dont belong to one but i vote liberal democrats...
Extrovert or Introvert a bit of both
Favorite sport hate sport....but if i had to i hate sport!!
Favorite person from that sport n/a
Favorite person my son...cos hes awesome!
Bothers you people who whine about stuff and do anything to better the situation!!
Are you passionate about im passionate about women having a career...i think all women should be educated to at least a degree level...
Do you really think about yourself im not ashamed to say that i love myself....(hugs herself)
Favorite culture wow!...tough one....hmmm....i love aspects of a lot of different cultures...particularly like how asian families push their kids to be how liberated women are in western culture but also love how dedicated women are to their husbands in middle eastern how much kids respect their parents in african how funky ppl look in hip-hop
Most attractive ethnicity i personally think that japanese women are men are very attractive and also love how caucasion ppl have so many different eye and haircolours...its pretty!.
Favorite childhood cartoon rugrats, thundercats, gummi bears....superted...bananaman!
Favorite childhood memory reinacting scenes from dumb and dumber with my baby sister....we still do it!
Favorite subject gona say my son...
What do you want to be when you grow up grown....
What would be your ideal life the one i have just with more money....
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I got my Myspace layout from pYzam .