My name is sarah. im 21, i was pre-med until this year. trying to save up so i could pay to finish i ended up getting pregnant. now i wonder if ill be able to finish out my dream. with my drive i still will but itll just be even harder. Im from michigan and i miss the city like crazy....if the economy ever gets better there dont doubt ill ever go back. i miss the realness of the people of Flint. That no bullshit, no games, type of mentality that u can only get there. im finished with drugs and alcohol, and partying. im really excited about having a child. and i only want to provide the best for my child. i dont hang out with people much because i choose to work particular reason just that i was raised a hustler. ill talk to anyone, but i have rules to being my friend. if you lie cheat or steal i want nothing to do with you. If any drugs even pills cause you to have uncomfortable relationships that mean nothing to you but mean everything to the other person, dont even talk to me. there are other things that really turn me off to talking to people but i guess youll just have to figure them out.