Hatched in February 1941 from the proud parents James and Pearl Thurston. I struggled with inevitable doubt of my life's progress on earth. Blood transfusion at birth, pneumonia at 9 months old, German measles, yellow jaundice, along with all other illnesses in life's path. At age four I joined in singing folklore songs at my dad and mom's house on Saturday night "Kitchen Tunks" night. In the summers we had family reunions of homemade music, food and square dancing which is where I started to sing old country music and square dance calls. Since the tender age of eight I have performed on many stages with bands; Slim and his Ridge Runners; Bud Truax and the Playboys; Don Tucker and his Night Hawks; and Don Fields and the Pony Boys to name a few.Quit high school at age 16 I went to work for my hero"DAD".At18 I signed up in the National Guard.After being active in the National Guard for a short while hearing different musical artists on the radio I started my own Country Rock band called "The Mustangs". Next came Jimmy "T" and the Cobras. Then Jimmy "T" Band. Next I went into the recording studio and recorded my FIRST"45"!! After 4yrs I changed the name to"BOOGY BEAST",recorded another "45" and started full time in the music world!!
I have opened for Rick Derringer, The James Montgomery Band, The Hues Corporation, as well as others in clubs and arenas. Still a lover of country jamborees, I attended as many as I could to "jam" with my friends. I learned music the way it was "written" not the way it was "rottin" with a vocal style of my own. I have managed myself throughout my whole singing career and also put together a band called "Ripp Van Wynkle and the Sleepy Hollow Boys" in 1980. We successfully came in 3rd place out of 1500 competitors in a international "Battle of the Bands" contest which ended in Nashville Tennesee sponsored by Seagrams Seven. I Recorded my first album in "87"which also involved my "SON JAMIE LEE".To this day I am still actively involved in music. "Kudos" to me!!
Watch for my up coming music surprise.................