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About Me

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Search MySpace Layouts UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BRIDGE CROSSING I5 SOUTH OFF OF THE SAGINAW EXIT IS CLOSED FOR CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE GO 1 MILE PAST TO THE COTTAGE GROVE EXIT, GET BACK ON I5 NORTH AND TAKE THE EXIT TO SAGINAW SO YOU WILL BE ON THE CORRECT SIDE OF THE INTERSTATE TO GET TO THE MOUNTAIN. TRAVEL ON UP 3 MILES...SEE YOU THEREPEACE AND LOVE KENA COUGAR MOUNTAIN FAMILYThe Tayberry Jam/Reggae On The Mountain is an annual benefit concert for Cougar Mountain Farm. We are trying to conserve our farm's forest lands and promote sustainability, permaculture, and organic agriculture. We are doing that by growing organic specialty crops in a sustainable fashion, providing educational experiences, and by hosting this annual event!The 320 acre farm is surrounded by forests, meadows, old-growth Douglas Fir and Yew trees. Our amphitheatre is powered by a 3000 watt photovoltaic system. Each terrace of the orchard overlooks the southern-most end of the beautiful Willamette Valley. The proceeds from the Tayberry Jam will ensure that we are able to continue establishing the orchard, create educational opportunities and foster sustainability in our region. Come help us create and live the dream!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Cougar Mountain 33737 Witcher Gateway Cottage Grove, OR 97424 (541) 767 3798 [email protected]

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