Edward Preble profile picture

Edward Preble

About Me

Lieutenent - Sloop of War USS Protector (26 guns)
Commanding Officer - Brig of War USS Pickering (14 guns)
Captain - Frigate USS Essex (46 guns)
Captain - Frigate USS Constitution (46 guns)
Commodore of US Navy 3rd Squadron in Mediterranean during First Barbary War, establishing blockade of Tripoli
Masterminded scuttling of captured frigate USS Philadelphia (36 guns)

My Blog

Lieutenent Stephen Decatur's Sidewhiskers

If Lietenent Decatur cannot resist boasting about his sidewhiskers, and with all speed, I am afraid I shall have to releive him of his Mediterranean command in the 3rd Squadron and send him back to Am...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 16:45:00 GMT