:: tv : the gym : bars : drinking : fam : pham : the real : soul :: those are the majors. im also all about the words. dissecting the semantics of everyday conversations. playing cards with no money at stake. cutting my own hair. avoiding speaking visaya. i dont really want to but i suck so i avoid the miscommunication.
I'd like to meet:
friends and or acquaintances.
future chris cuz he does everything present chris is too lazy to do. at least i hope he does.
friends keep me updated on whats good, bad, or even null. i will reciprocate...
friends are fresh to def
all of chris's Friends
the movie needed more ralph wiggum!
everything! but country just cause i want to sound cliche. actually theres some ok country... prolly. somehwere. idunno...my thing is usually the rnb hip hop soul type. but im down to listen to alotta stuff.
theres too many to name!! (to continue the cliches.) anyway i fall asleep during movies. but off the top of my head: xmen, team america, igby goes down, 25th hour, cruel intentions, house party i dun remember anymore maybe those are the only ones i made it through. thas not true. im just lazy to think.
too many to name!! thats actually not cliche. im a tv addict. 30 rock and the office make my day. im on a big brother/4400 kick right now.
when i read, alchemist. i dont read anymore. i should but i dont. i have soooo much time.
i like to avoid any book that deals with my thesis.
my mom, my ph/fam.