Auuuu... Svi koje ja hocu da upoznam guraju lale da brzhe niknu :( Chek da proverim samu sebe...Tool, Davida Draimana... Dr. Hoffman-a... KoRn... Vuleta , pajdomana koji se izlechio i sam sebe naterao na lechenje,Migovu mamu :), nekoga ko ce me promeniti,hmmmm ,ma sve neke bolesnike bre (da, to ukljuchuje i mene)Everybody I admire are pushing up daisies somwhere, but from the living....hmmmm...Tool, Disturbed, Apocalyptica, Method Man , Redman , DMX , Dr.Hoffman, KoRn, Mr. Wule, a 100% cured junky, Mig's mom :), someone who'll manage to change me ... and all the other twisted 'n' weird people :P