About Me
VellVett: Uncovered, Broken, Let Down but Raised Up-VellVett, born La Vell Walton June 30th, 1980, expressly a lover of JESUS, was inspired by the Holy Ghost beginning his career as a songwriter and recording Christian rap artist.VellVett submitted his life to JESUS Christ October 11th, 2001 at Faith Deliverance Assembly A.O.H. Church of GOD where his lifestyle, music choices and content, and even influences took a turn. Although he started out secular in 1993, he began glorifying GOD with his gifts privately, then publicly."I believe", he quotes, "that whenever a person considers ministry they should give themselves a little time to allow The LORD to develop them first. It became an honor to do good and I thank GOD for enlightening me to be a blessing to others with what HE's given me, but, I don't take it lightly delivering Truth in Love". An outstanding quote came from Gia’na Garel, producer/co-host of talk radio show ‘On The Real’ with Chuck D regarding the ministry she heard of VellVett: “…you are an advocate of the basic nature to feel good and give praise…"VellVett has expressed his love for elders, his peers and children on numerous occasions performing in various places and spending time with people personally. It is another obvious feature that his intent for writing and performing is to minister in the lives of every person, nationally as well as internationally, who is wanting change."GOD has blessed me to complete an album that has motivated and inspired change. If we look honestly we can see the necessity for pure, unadulterated music for today’s world. I too enjoy entertainment like any other, but too many of us today mimic negative people rather than real-life success stories, and this comes off on our youth. Instead, they don’t know the benefit of being themselves. They compromise their essence, who they really are, by imitating unhappy people. So, in light of the need, along with others who are strong in The LORD, I would rather contribute through music and television and everyday life JESUS Christ, and who we are according to HIM".GOD is positioning VellVett for mainstream success for HIS Glory. He plans to work and share in ministry with artists such as: Da’ T.R.U.T.H., Cross Movement, Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams, 116 Click, Fred Hammond, William Murphy and more.Participate TODAY in the Movement of JESUS NAME!VellVettAs it is written: "And I (JESUS), if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me". -John 12:32