is a Spanish based record label, online CD store & digital downloads.
All our works are available in digital downloads at the most important stores such as iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, eMusic, Napster, among others.
But we also recognize the experience that the CD album implies, because we believe there is something magic in it since it is made up of a collection of carefully related tracks, aimed to create a speech from the beginning to the end. Its artwork, its concept and its technical data make us believe that this is a little art jewel created for the self enjoyment of those who have the sensibility to appreciate it. Our pressed CDs are recorded, mixed and mastered in professional 24-bit quality producing the finest audiophile-grade sound available, whether it's being played through a car stereo, a portable CD player, mp3 player, or high-end stereo system.
We are pushed to find a compromise between the two alternatives.
Thus, how can we satisfy both the modern user of digital downloading as the demanding "Connoisseur" and audiophile? In ad21music we have found the solution to offer digital downloads at the most important stores, and, in turn, provide digital download with CD quality through the new download platform
MusicZeit is a new music download site where the quality of audio is paramount.
We want you to enjoy your music as the artist intended, concentrating on the quality of the audio with CD quality FLAC files & high quality MP3's in combination with high resolution artwork. Your purchased, downloaded music can thus be turned into a pro-quality physical product.
'We believe that the music can lead the soul into a state of sacred intimacy'
ad21music in
Bruno Sanfilippo
Bruno Sanfilippo & Mathias Grassow
Max Corbacho
John Lakveet