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About Me

Hi everyone! I have a wife, and three kids...two of which are awesome teens, and live in Nashville where I do real estate investing, and inner city ministries. I have been a minister for about twenty years in various locations, performing missions work, youth ministry, music ministry and various other positions. I worked with Law enforcement for five or so years as a Police Chaplain, who was in charge of trauma care. I came back to my home town to start a new church for people of all ethnicities and backgrounds in the downtown Nashville area. This will not be you old school church with steeples, organs and pews, but rather a relational church that cares about and meets people where they are. I also write books and leadership articles for an Asian Web Magazine. According to research, many people believe that there is a God, and even would say that they are a Christian, but do not go to church. Many people feel that church is pointless and has no meaning or purpose. On the other hand, you may be someone who treats religion like "speed dating". You have tried Buddhism, Shinto, Yoga, Islam or one of the kagillion other religions out there, but still have no peace. Like Bono of U2 sings, you "still haven't found what you're looking for". You may be one of those people. If so, and you are in the Nashville area, e-mail me, or write me on my blog either here or . I would love to hear from you, and your ideas concerning God. Peace, Jory

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Governor of Tennessee, The President of the United States, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, anybody from Nashville, Bill Cosby, Robert Kyosaki, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Rinehard Bonkkee, Jack Hayford, Rick Warren, Miles Munroe, Rush Limbaugh, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Al Sharpton, and ohhh the guy or gal who invented sushi.

My Blog


Hey all. As you may know, I do not blog too much on this site, I do all of that on . But I did want to share a hello, and to let you know all is well. Other than getting a tad bit m...
Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 18:08:00 GMT


Okay. I know that some of you are truly dissapointed in the outcome of the election. I too am not all that happy....however a few great things have come from it, and I wish to present them to you as w...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Nov 2008 01:31:00 GMT


hi folks. This has been a decent week so far. I still need to get some things straghtened out concerning my real estate business, but I am at peace knowing that God is working. We had an awesome minis...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 22:00:00 GMT

life in general

Hope my last post was not too much for you guys. Just being real and knowing that my friends know how to pray. I love my brother and want the spiritual best for him. At this point, a dear friend gave ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:27:00 GMT

Prayer for my brother

This might be a bit heavy for some of you. But it is time that I shared my burden with those who will assist me in prayer. My Brother Ejay has "come out" recently as a homosexual transgendered person....
Posted by on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 20:00:00 GMT


hi everyone. just a small update. the week is already out of control with my list. seems like i am just going with the flow for now. hannah had an asthma attack a few nights ago, and is recovering. ly...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 17:03:00 GMT

Hi From Nashville!

..> The Call happened here in Nashville this week, and over 100,000 people showed up to pray, and repent for the sin of the nation. It was one of the most powerful things that I have been a part of...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 18:59:00 GMT